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8090's vs. 7000's

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I'm in the market for some new skates, and was wondering if theirs any difference between the 8090's and 7000's(currently using w/ L2 holder/blade)? I'm more concerned with stiffness, and the style of boot. Visual differences are obvious.


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I'm in the market for some new skates, and was wondering if theirs any difference between the 8090's and 7000's(currently using w/ L2 holder/blade)? I'm more concerned with stiffness, and the style of boot. Visual differences are obvious.


7000s are much stiffer and much more narrow than 8090s. If the 7000 is comfortable in a D width, the 8090 will not feel right at all. You may want to seriously consider dropping down a half size if you go to the 8090.

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Thanks for the info. I love the stiffness of the 7000's, but the skate never really fit my foot well. (width wasn't right). The skates are a tad bit tighter than they should have been because I bought the wrong width. Anyhow, they tend not to hurt, because they're well broken in. Is the 8090 the stiffest skate Bauer has out right now?

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Thanks for the info. I love the stiffness of the 7000's, but the skate never really fit my foot well. (width wasn't right). The skates are a tad bit tighter than they should have been because I bought the wrong width. Anyhow, they tend not to hurt, because they're well broken in. Is the 8090 the stiffest skate Bauer has out right now?

The 8000 is gone if I remember correctly, so the 8090 is the stiffest non-vapor skate.

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I just went from a 7000 to an 8090. I wore my 7's in siz 8 and my 8090's are a size 7.5. I like the 8090's more personally. The 7000's were a little to narrow for me but I like the fact that the 8090 have much more boot flex than my 7000's did after almost three years.

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