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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What kind of a STICK is THIS?

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That's actually pretty sweet! It does look look like Lecavalier's pattern too. I know he used Nike awhile back before he became CCM man. I'd say it's valid...just a few years old. I don't know how the seller lists it as "Brand New". If it is his, and it's Nike, then it's gotta be at least 3 years old, or older.

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i mean that doesn't even look like any of the ignites or the quests unless it's lecavalier prostock. and I thought Lecavalier was Nike PH2 not PM1??

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Oh I don't know anything about model numbers or anything. Chadd or Cavs seem to be the best about answering things like that. I just said I knew he used Nike awhile back, and the pattern looked like what he used. Maybe those guys will chime in, they know more than me.

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all i no is dat its a nike blade lol

That was a little bit obvious

I really think that looks like a synergy rip-off, but don't quote me on that.

all i know is i can't find another one of those on google

maybe someone with ebay could ask the seller a question and educate us all :)

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i'm getting the idea that this guy ordered his own stick from buildastick.com

unless that is seriously a prostock which I doubt

if he actually did get it from some site where they build sticks for you, I think the Lowkick thing would be a lie :rolleyes:

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Chadd or Cavs seem to be the best about answering things like that.

I've never seen anything like it before.

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I have seen the "Lowkick" graphic on other Nike sticks, but haven't seen that particular stick before.

And the old Hespeler pro kick low

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I have seen the "Lowkick" graphic on other Nike sticks, but haven't seen that particular stick before.

isn't that graphic on like almost every nike stick since Ignite? The only sticks i can think of that don't have it is the Nike Quest 4, 3, 2 and 1 woods.

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