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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered inline blade?

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What is the best blade to use for a tapered stick in inline.

I chewed threw two synthesis graphites and a hybrid synthesis already.

I need some ideas!!!

Thank you,


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Stay away from composite when playing on concrete. I did use an Inno tapered for concrete, but it diddn't last nearly as long as it did then on sportcourt. Since there aren't many tapered options for concrete, either get a standered shaft or file down an ABS blade.

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I don't know why companies dont make and abs tapered blade.

No market?

Yeah I wish there were more ABS options offered peroid. I used to file down ABS blades to fit in an old Synergy shaft. It worked well, but I just got tierd of filing.

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I tried finding tapered ABS blades but I don't think such things exist. If you changed to a standard shaft, then your options will be more open.

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wood gets chewed up faster than composite. if you want a durable blade thats graphite, go with an ultra graphite. i use mine on the street and its holding up fine.

you would have to file it down, but it may be worth it. but i highly suggest using a shaved don abs blade.

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I would go with the Vector 20 blade for concrete surfaces, I've been using them for a long time, I love that blade a lot, and it takes a while to wear down

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I would go with the Vector 20 blade for concrete surfaces, I've been using them for a long time, I love that blade a lot, and it takes a while to wear down

I agree with him. If you are going to file down an ABS blade, the CCM V-20, and V-60 blades are a great choice.

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ABS stands for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene - it's a moldable plastic that's pretty strong, usually sandwiched between fibreglass, composite or wood laminates. Main advantage is that it's hard wearing, and will grind down on rough surfaces rather than splintering like wood or cracking like a full carbon fibre blade.

Also, as someone mentioned the CCM V60 blade earlier in the thread, has anyone seen the new V40 blade that is replacing it, and is it much the same thing?

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why would you even buy a synthesis as a roler hockey stick,a standard shaft wouldve have been a far smarter choice to make

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I didnt buy it just for roller.

I play ice too and I dont want to use my stealth or synergy for roller so I thought that my synthesis would work instead of buying more sticks.

I know the blade is the same on the synergy as a graphite synthesis blade but I didnt want to ruin a one piece.

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