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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8000 vs Vapor XXs skates

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yes the XX is narrower but i found with the dry fit liner the ankle got looser and abit wider after awhile. the clarino on the 8000 will stay same width

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Do you guys find the difference to be noticeable? I can never tell if a skate is too wide.

I find it a little weird that I fit size 8D in the 8000s (very snug) and 8.5D in the Vapors.

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Do you guys find the difference to be noticeable? I can never tell if a skate is too wide.

I find it a little weird that I fit size 8D in the 8000s (very snug) and 8.5D in the Vapors.

put your foot in the skate while it's unlaced and try to move your foot side to side. If it moves, then there's a chance your skate is too wide. If you feel pain or pinching, it's too narrow.

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Do you guys find the difference to be noticeable? I can never tell if a skate is too wide.

I find it a little weird that I fit size 8D in the 8000s (very snug) and 8.5D in the Vapors.

put your foot in the skate while it's unlaced and try to move your foot side to side. If it moves, then there's a chance your skate is too wide. If you feel pain or pinching, it's too narrow.

but if you do feel any pinching it can be relieved through stretching and heating. that way it can give you a proper fit

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Do you guys find the difference to be noticeable? I can never tell if a skate is too wide.

I find it a little weird that I fit size 8D in the 8000s (very snug) and 8.5D in the Vapors.

put your foot in the skate while it's unlaced and try to move your foot side to side. If it moves, then there's a chance your skate is too wide. If you feel pain or pinching, it's too narrow.

but if you do feel any pinching it can be relieved through stretching and heating. that way it can give you a proper fit

There are enough boots out there that you can probably find one that fits correctly. Too mnay people get fixated on a particular brand/model and you run into problems trying to make them fit.

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Taking the insole out, then placing your foot on it also helps to see where there is or isn't extra room.


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you also need to consider the volume of the boot, it matters as much, if not more so than width..its why i need an 7000EE and can wear a Classic Gold if needed in a normal width..so much more depth in the boot

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