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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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good website idea?

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I was thinking about making a hockey links site to every pro team, ncaa team, jr. team i can find.... this would obviously take a long long time to finish but do you think its worth it, there are other sites similar to this but I dont think there is one that has every team from all leagues....

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Yeh i think its worth it but i'm sure there would be a website somewhere with a database of everyhockey team on

If you end up doing it send us a Link! ;)

Well it could be a good idea but any good website involves an investment. Domains and hosting cost money so you would need some sort of revenue. With a limited amount of traffic you could not generate sufficend revenue to break even or make money.

I have the benifit of at cost domains and our company servers so I sometimes create some projects for fun.

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well ye, i already have the domain ready, it was my moms, but she didnt end up using it...and also it wouldnt be just lists of the teams, thats what hockeydb.com is for, i would be giving links to each teams site....

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oh crap, i was refering to another a to z hockey site lol.. wow i guess ur right...then again they dont give direct links to the teams, only to the leagues...

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As long as you were only creating links to the teams and not hosting additional features, actual bandwiodth probably wouldn't be too bad. You could likely run it on a personal website or pay $5 or so a month.

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well ye, i already have the domain ready, it was my moms, but she didnt end up using it...and also it wouldnt be just lists of the teams, thats what hockeydb.com is for, i would be giving links to each teams site....

The domain name would have to be somwhat relevant to the content if you want any typeins. Personally it would not be a good investment, even thought it is $3.50 per month for hosting which is $42 per year.

www.hockeylinks.com has every hockey link and probably gets hundreds of typeins per year because of the domain name.

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guys i think im gonna go through with it...

besthockeysites.com is available... what do you guys think ? I've decided to do all pro teams, collegiate, jrs as many as i can find worldwide. Then I hope to provide links for hockey memorbilia, equipment, and other micellaneous things....

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Will you do other teams n league's eventually like non proffesional leagues?

Maybe even junior leagues?

Tell us when its up! :)(I've got it bookmarked already) ;)

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yea im actually doin pro, collegiate, jrs, prep schools.... its in the works... and very crappy right now :) go to


and check it out... I need to obviously get the domain name changed, more stuff organized etc... still alot of work to do.

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yea thats good too, but I do intend on covering more teams than they have there....Ive already done, a decent amount of work, so I might as well continue...

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right now, im just doing this kind of for fun, if it actually materializes into something good, thats just a bonus, im not looking to get rich off a website lol.

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