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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tell me about the Bauer Classic Gold skates

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Similar to the early 90s Bauer Supreme skates - same fit as well. Heavier than most skates on the market - geared towards the older crowd. Very good boot. Didn't sell all that great as people wanted lighter skates.

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Thanks JR. I asked because they look like they had some nice high end features but they're cheap as crap ($130 at Cyclone Taylor). If I could find my size I might give 'em a try. BTW, what are you skating in now?

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S500. I ordered some custom ones but havne't gotten them yet. No rush - it isn't like I'm skating anyway...now that I won't be working for a month maybe I'll squeeze in some ice time between packing.

For $130 you can't be wrong if you are a fan of older Bauer skates.

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Passed on the MD job as there were too many red flags. The guy was nice but he wanted to operate on a shoestring budget and I wanted no part of that.

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What mods are they doing to your S500's?

I took a ride down to The Hockey Stop Sunday to try on some 8090's. Glad I did that before ordering online. I figured I'd be a 9D (10.5 shoe) but I tried on a pair of 9.5D and they were too short and too narrow.

I'm going to try some lace bite inserts and give the S400's another try. I really like the fit and performance.

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