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Endorsement deals/masked equipment

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Furthermore, you can bet your sweet a** that company "A", whose product is being graphically altered would stop making product for that player ASAP!


I'm not pretending to be an expert on this, but I would love to be informed more. In the picture Nick was talking about, you can tell that it isn't an M-2, or L-2 (at least by retail standards). I see no reason why Brett Hull using a Z-Bub, painted as an M-2 (keep in mind I am by no means 100% sure that is an actual Z-Bub) is different from the fact you stated. He essentially is using a companies (Easton?) product that is being aesthetically altered (to Mission). Why wouldn't the company stop making the product for that player?

I know I'm just adding fuel to the fire, but please fill me in and i'll be quiet.

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I'm not pretending to be an expert on this, but I would love to be informed more. In the picture Nick was talking about, you can tell that it isn't an M-2, or L-2 (at least by retail standards). I see no reason why Brett Hull using a Z-Bub, painted as an M-2 (keep in mind I am by no means 100% sure that is an actual Z-Bub) is different from the fact you stated. He essentially is using a companies (Easton?) product that is being aesthetically altered (to Mission). Why wouldn't the company stop making the product for that player?

I know I'm just adding fuel to the fire, but please fill me in and i'll be quiet.

I don't know a lot about it but my guess would be that Brett Hull can get away with it because easton values him so much as and advertising method. If Cory Cross, or some other dud, took an easton shaft and painted it blue and put a mission symbol on it easton would probably stop making them sticks.

It could go deeper than that too. Like maybe easton knew that Hulls contract with mission was only for last season or something, thus they knew Hull would be back using an easton stick for the world cup(just a made up scenario).

Im really not educated on the topic, but that would be my assumption

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In a couple of those Brett Hull pics, he is using a True 1...

Is that what the graphics are now? If so, they look great.

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I believe these are two different situations.  What Hullie did is just Hullie, and you really have to know him to appreciate him. 

The example given was that his friend was going to "get another custom pair of Beasts, but put Velo logo's on them." 

Doing that with goal equipment is a lot different than getting spray paint and painting a shaft, then writing the brand on it. 

You guys continue to crack me up.  In a way, I wish you really knew what you were talking about, but, reading your stupid comments is just much better.  Keep 'em coming!

Sorry if we dont know your buddy Hullie. Me not knowing Brett Hull has nothing to do with the fact that he altered an easton stick to make it look like a mission. Just because yopu say "Hullie is Hullie" doesnt make it an illegitimate example of somebody altering a stick.

If you ask me acting condescending on a message board with a friendly atmosphere that primarily consists of kids under the age of 17 is pretty stupid.

Obviously the Hull situation was a joke. Can players who endorse a brand use another stick and black it out? Sure. Obviously him writing "Mission" on it was a joke. Not funny to them, but funny nonetheless.

I don't think he is under contract to endorse their products anymore. He hasn't been for a while.

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I'm not pretending to be an expert on this, but I would love to be informed more. In the picture Nick was talking about, you can tell that it isn't an M-2, or L-2 (at least by retail standards). I see no reason why Brett Hull using a Z-Bub, painted as an M-2 (keep in mind I am by no means 100% sure that is an actual Z-Bub) is  different from the fact you stated. He essentially is using a companies (Easton?) product that is being aesthetically altered (to Mission). Why wouldn't the company stop making the product for that player?

I know I'm just adding fuel to the fire, but please fill me in and i'll be quiet.

I don't know a lot about it but my guess would be that Brett Hull can get away with it because easton values him so much as and advertising method. If Cory Cross, or some other dud, took an easton shaft and painted it blue and put a mission symbol on it easton would probably stop making them sticks.

It could go deeper than that too. Like maybe easton knew that Hulls contract with mission was only for last season or something, thus they knew Hull would be back using an easton stick for the world cup(just a made up scenario).

Im really not educated on the topic, but that would be my assumption

From the rules section

1. If you don't have anything useful to add, don't say anything.

As you said yourself, you don't know anything about the subject. Making up wild stories without some type of factual basis doesn't benefot anyone.

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Sorry J.R., I moved it over to the ebay idiot thread, I was thinking more along the lines of " they don`t make the Wayne Gretzky series anymore after Wayne Gretzky retired" part of the ad. Gretz used Hespelers right before he retired.

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I don't know a lot about it but my guess would be that Brett Hull can get away with it because easton values him so much as and advertising method. If Cory Cross, or some other dud, took an easton shaft and painted it blue and put a mission symbol on it easton would probably stop making them sticks.

It could go deeper than that too. Like maybe easton knew that Hulls contract with mission was only for last season or something, thus they knew Hull would be back using an easton stick for the world cup(just a made up scenario).

Im really not educated on the topic, but that would be my assumption

If Cory Cross is a dud, then, you must be a better player in the NHL, yes?

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I don't know a lot about it but my guess would be that Brett Hull can get away with it because easton values him so much as and advertising method.  If Cory Cross, or some other dud, took an easton shaft and painted it blue and put a mission symbol on it easton would probably stop making them sticks. 

It could go deeper than that too.  Like maybe easton knew that Hulls contract with mission was only for last season or something, thus they knew Hull would be back using an easton stick for the world cup(just a made up scenario). 

Im really not educated on the topic, but that would be my assumption

If Cory Cross is a dud, then, you must be a better player in the NHL, yes?

He wasn't gauging himself with Cory Cross (who I actually am family friends with, not to be a name dropper or anything ;) ) but, he was simply saying that a lesser player doing such wouldn't be tolerated, but a hall of famer doing said actions would.

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I recently called Inno's customer service and the guy I spoke said that Brett Hull was indeed using a True1. He was under contracr with Mission so he had to black out he graphics. Doug Weight was also brought up. His Helsper was a Ture1 with Helsper graphics. This may be a case of RBK/CCM, NIKE/BAUER as I don't know all the brands that INNO makes. Innovative is different for the other companies because THEY DON'T PAY any player to use their product. other companies do indeed pay players to use their gear and sticks. But in hte end the teams Do pay for all the sticks.

Does anyone know who all 8 brands that Innovative makes? Other than Winwell sticks.

Thanks for the info.

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I recently called Inno's customer service and the guy I spoke said that Brett Hull was indeed using a True1. He was under contracr with Mission so he had to black out he graphics. Doug Weight was also brought up. His Helsper was a Ture1 with Helsper graphics. This may be a case of RBK/CCM, NIKE/BAUER as I don't know all the brands that INNO makes. Innovative is different for the other companies because THEY DON'T PAY any player to use their product. other companies do indeed pay players to use their gear and sticks. But in hte end the teams Do pay for all the sticks.

Does anyone know who all 8 brands that Innovative makes? Other than Winwell sticks.

Thanks for the info.

RBK/CCM doesn't use INNO for any manufacturing of products.

Contracts are only as good as the paper they are written on. If a player feels that there is a superior product in the marketplace than what he is using, he will switch, regardless of his contract. There have been players that have bought their contracts out because of this.

INNO still holds the BAUER?NIKE deal and the word is that Warrior (aka New Balance) will honor the deal to its end. Montreal had shafts made there, but, their OPS are European made. INNO had its own brand, so, that would be another. They are no longer mfg'ing for Hespeler as Hes is gone. They make the Maltese OP Goal Stick. They did Trilage for awhile; not sure if they still do.

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I'm not pretending to be an expert on this, but I would love to be informed more. In the picture Nick was talking about, you can tell that it isn't an M-2, or L-2 (at least by retail standards). I see no reason why Brett Hull using a Z-Bub, painted as an M-2 (keep in mind I am by no means 100% sure that is an actual Z-Bub) is  different from the fact you stated. He essentially is using a companies (Easton?) product that is being aesthetically altered (to Mission). Why wouldn't the company stop making the product for that player?

I know I'm just adding fuel to the fire, but please fill me in and i'll be quiet.

I don't know a lot about it but my guess would be that Brett Hull can get away with it because easton values him so much as and advertising method. If Cory Cross, or some other dud, took an easton shaft and painted it blue and put a mission symbol on it easton would probably stop making them sticks.

It could go deeper than that too. Like maybe easton knew that Hulls contract with mission was only for last season or something, thus they knew Hull would be back using an easton stick for the world cup(just a made up scenario).

Im really not educated on the topic, but that would be my assumption

From the rules section

1. If you don't have anything useful to add, don't say anything.

As you said yourself, you don't know anything about the subject. Making up wild stories without some type of factual basis doesn't benefot anyone.

Sherwood asked a question and no one who actually knew wanted to answer it for some reason. I took a stab at it. Not a big deal. I clearly stated i was guessing.

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I know its kinda late, but the gloves Bertuzzi was wearing in the pic shown earlier were actually not Easton's. I took a tour at GM place a couple years ago and the guide was showing us some equipment and told us they had to put easton's name on the gloves because Bertuzzi had some sort of deal with Easton....

I've also seen Naslund in what appears to be Eagals with "M-1" and Mission logos on it, thats when Naslund was trying out Mission equipment and actually used M-1 sticks for all of three games

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I was not asying that Inno made CCM/RBK. I was using it as an example of players using one brand and having a different logo on the stick.

Thanks for the info on Inno

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I know its kinda late, but the gloves Bertuzzi was wearing in the pic shown earlier were actually not Easton's. I took a tour at GM place a couple years ago and the guide was showing us some equipment and told us they had to put easton's name on the gloves because Bertuzzi had some sort of deal with Easton....

I've also seen Naslund in what appears to be Eagals with "M-1" and Mission logos on it, thats when Naslund was trying out Mission equipment and actually used M-1 sticks for all of three games

Yes, I also have a picture of Bertuzzi on my 2004 Canucks Calendar. His gloves distinctly read 'Easton' on the cuffs but you can also clearly see an Eagle logo on the thumb and the word 'Eagle' on the glove.

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Probably a little late but Hull's "Mission" stick is on the 4th page, for those to tired to look for it. Just thought I could help.


Probably a little late but Hull's "Mission" stick is on the 4th page, for those to tired to look for it.  Just thought I could help.


Probably a little late but Hull's "Mission" stick is on the 4th page, for those to tired to look for it. Just thought I could help.


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