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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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actually, i happen to like 50 and I hate most rap...i'm a hardcore guy, and im actually listenin to him now, but on the other hand, i CANNOT stand Coldplay, hate them and their music with a passion

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i CANNOT stand Coldplay, hate them and their music with a passion

Are you for real? Coldplay is like my favourite band. 50 is good too for rappers..GUnit and The Game arent bad.

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i CANNOT stand Coldplay, hate them and their music with a passion

Are you for real? Coldplay is like my favourite band. 50 is good too for rappers..GUnit and The Game arent bad.

As real as life...when it comes to rap, yeah G-Unit, The Game, 50, Em, theyre all pretty good, but I can't stand Coldplay...what i listen to and coldplay dont mix...Throwdown to Coldplay, very odd range there lol...if you ever listen to Throwdown you'll understand

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Never heard Throwdown. Is it worth downloading? What's a good song of their's to sample? Speed Of Sound/In My Place are good ones from Coldplay. I first heard them sing on the OC (Fix You)

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i CANNOT stand Coldplay, hate them and their music with a passion

Are you for real? Coldplay is like my favourite band. 50 is good too for rappers..GUnit and The Game arent bad.

As real as life...when it comes to rap, yeah G-Unit, The Game, 50, Em, theyre all pretty good, but I can't stand Coldplay...what i listen to and coldplay dont mix...Throwdown to Coldplay, very odd range there lol...if you ever listen to Throwdown you'll understand

Nothin wrong with mixing your tuneskies, heres me:

The Black Dahlia Murder --- Copeland/The Rocket Summer

But when it comes to mainstream rap I'm definetely outta there, its just horrible.

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..and both are absolutely horrible, horrible musician(s), who put out brutal and overplayed pieces of music.


WOW! Are you serious buddy? Ya I'll agree with u one that about 50 Cent, but Coldplay has a couple of the finest musicians I've seen. The piano player is excellent, as is the guitar player. Coldplay is deffinently one if the most musically sounds bands around right now, and to same they're horrible musicians and overplayed is absolute BS.

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Coldplay has a couple of the finest musicians I've seen. The piano player is excellent, as is the guitar player. Coldplay is deffinently one if the most musically sounds bands around right now, and to same they're horrible musicians and overplayed is absolute BS.

While im not a coldplay fan, i have alot of respect for the band. Every single one of them is very very good at what they do.

As for 50cent, when all you talk about is bitches, cars, and money, how could you consider yourself to be a musician? As for crack and hoes, please. If he sold drugs or smoked crack do you think he would be making music? He is way to much in the medias eye for him to ever even think about that. The one thing he's got going for him is marketing. Thats it.

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i CANNOT stand Coldplay, hate them and their music with a passion

Are you for real? Coldplay is like my favourite band. 50 is good too for rappers..GUnit and The Game arent bad.

As real as life...when it comes to rap, yeah G-Unit, The Game, 50, Em, theyre all pretty good, but I can't stand Coldplay...what i listen to and coldplay dont mix...Throwdown to Coldplay, very odd range there lol...if you ever listen to Throwdown you'll understand

yeah complete opposite.....throwdown is great , trust is probably my fav. song by them

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Never heard Throwdown. Is it worth downloading? What's a good song of their's to sample? Speed Of Sound/In My Place are good ones from Coldplay. I first heard them sing on the OC (Fix You)

IF you listen to em, you'll understand. Download Declare Your War by them. Great song, great pump up song to

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..and both are absolutely horrible, horrible musician(s), who put out brutal and overplayed pieces of music.


WOW! Are you serious buddy? Ya I'll agree with u one that about 50 Cent, but Coldplay has a couple of the finest musicians I've seen. The piano player is excellent, as is the guitar player. Coldplay is deffinently one if the most musically sounds bands around right now, and to same they're horrible musicians and overplayed is absolute BS.

I'm dead serious..

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i like 50 but i dont like coldplay at all. i dont really like the mainstreem 50 stuff but he other stuff is good. coldplay is very over played here.

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...As long as we're talking about lyrics, maybe you guys could help me out here:

My "female friend" and I were filing through my playlist on my computer the other day when "Brick" by Ben Folds Five came on. Now, I can't say I remember exactly what her argument was, but, from what I've gathered listening to the song, and now reading the lyrics, I contested that it was about he and his "female friend" terminating her pregnancy (abortion). Any other thoughts? http://www.benfoldsfive.com/lyrics/whatever_03.html

Back onto the original topic: I find most rap to be offensive, crude and ignorant (this coming from a 17 year old hockey player who has spent the majority of his time at the rink since the age of 4...) - I do, however, enjoy Coldplay's music.

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I'm sorry but anyone who thinks 50 Cent has even the slightest bit of lyrical talent is completely brain dead. He has to be the saddest excuse for a rapper ever. His rhymes are absolutly terrible and his voice isn't much better than his rhymes. He just has some of the best producers in the business. Listen to Tech N9ne if you want to hear a real rapper.

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Coldplay has a couple of the finest musicians I've seen. The piano player is excellent, as is the guitar player. Coldplay is deffinently one if the most musically sounds bands around right now, and to same they're horrible musicians and overplayed is absolute BS.

While im not a coldplay fan, i have alot of respect for the band. Every single one of them is very very good at what they do.

As for 50cent, when all you talk about is bitches, cars, and money, how could you consider yourself to be a musician? As for crack and hoes, please. If he sold drugs or smoked crack do you think he would be making music? He is way to much in the medias eye for him to ever even think about that. The one thing he's got going for him is marketing. Thats it.

Ummm I guess your one of those people that just says stuff and believes its true eh? If you actually looked up stuff on 50 you would see that he did really sell drugs because he was in jail for selling drugs..and you can't just make that up. I am getting sick and tired of people who don't like rap saying stuff like "there fake" "they aren't real gangstas" unless you know the man personally anything you hear is rumors. It seems to me that people get pissed off that rap is so popular and find anyway they can to bash it. You don't see people jumping all over punk people and you can make the same sace for them, that its just image that makes them money.

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...As long as we're talking about lyrics, maybe you guys could help me out here:

My "female friend" and I were filing through my playlist on my computer the other day when "Brick" by Ben Folds Five came on. Now, I can't say I remember exactly what her argument was, but, from what I've gathered listening to the song, and now reading the lyrics, I contested that it was about he and his "female friend" terminating her pregnancy (abortion). Any other thoughts? http://www.benfoldsfive.com/lyrics/whatever_03.html

Back onto the original topic: I find most rap to be offensive, crude and ignorant (this coming from a 17 year old hockey player who has spent the majority of his time at the rink since the age of 4...) - I do, however, enjoy Coldplay's music.

Yep its about him and his girlfriend getting an abortion... in highschool I think? I think he says it on the live version of the song.

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...As long as we're talking about lyrics, maybe you guys could help me out here:

My "female friend" and I were filing through my playlist on my computer the other day when "Brick" by Ben Folds Five came on.  Now, I can't say I remember exactly what her argument was, but, from what I've gathered listening to the song, and now reading the lyrics, I contested that it was about he and his "female friend" terminating her pregnancy (abortion).  Any other thoughts?  http://www.benfoldsfive.com/lyrics/whatever_03.html

Back onto the original topic:  I find most rap to be offensive, crude and ignorant (this coming from a 17 year old hockey player who has spent the majority of his time at the rink since the age of 4...) - I do, however, enjoy Coldplay's music.

Yep its about him and his girlfriend getting an abortion... in highschool I think? I think he says it on the live version of the song.

Damn. I always thought the song was about taking his dog to the vet.

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