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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer 4000 helmet

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I have recently cracked my bauer hh4000 and called bauer. even though it was out of warrenty they still repalaced it for me. this is an on going problem that they are having. they took care of me on this issue. wil most buy a bauer helmet when i need to replace this one.

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The 4000s also have the problem of falling out foam. All of the ones I've seen have had the foam fall out at some point. Good helmet, just not very durable.

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bauer generally takes care of their customers.  they're by far the easiest company to deal with. 


I beg to differ - BNH is ok - Mission is best when it comes to that.

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Bauer might want to consider adding a sticker to the back of their helmet that says "Do not overtighten screws" and stop replacing helmets where the customer has overtightened the screws behind the ears while adjusting the helmet. About half of our team's helmets have that problem, mostly from guys or equipment managers tightening them way too much. Very simple instructions could keep a lot of perfectly good helmets from being unusable.

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sorry guys i should have said that the crack was by the right rear screw hole. bauer even sent me a different color than the one i sent. was very happy with bnh customer service.

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