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Need shinpad suggestions

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I need new shinpads. Basically I want something with a LOT of cushioning and comfort in the knee area while still being very small and low profile.

Any recommendations for shinpads? So much new stuff has come out since the last time I was in the market for shinpads that I don't even know where to start. My LHS has hardly anything in stock so I can't go try anything on.


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Nikes have probably the deepest knee out of everything on the market. I'd go with the 6000s. He's looking for something light, v12/v14's are tanks.

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dont most nhl'ers wear jofa shin pads? i could be wrong

the 6090's i have are great... i think they are called the 9090s now...

the one strap that comes with it is all you need to hold it in place, i never need shin guard tape. i got like 8 rolls, its taking forever to use up...

according to their website...

1997 JOFA becomes the Official Protective Equipment of the NHL, #1 SG, SP & EP used by the NHL players. JOFA Center Ice and Licensed protective line successfully launched in all markets

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I need new shinpads.  Basically I want something with a LOT of cushioning and comfort in the knee area while still being very small and low profile.

90% of the hockey population does not need Jofas NHL level, turn your leg into a tree trunk protection. The 90x0 series is an unbelievable pad, but the exact opposite of what he's looking for.

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The new Itech line is very similar to the Nikes. The 660 is an excellent pad and at a decent price.

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dont most nhl'ers wear jofa shin pads? i could be wrong

the 6090's i have are great... i think they are called the 9090s now...

the one strap that comes with it is all you need to hold it in place, i never need shin guard tape. i got like 8 rolls, its taking forever to use up...

Yea, but they need the pad. As Accord said he needs something small. The 90's are huge, great pad but not low profile at all. CCM's are pretty low profile, the 04 852's are small.

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Nikes have probably the deepest knee out of everything on the market. I'd go with the 6000s. He's looking for something light, v12/v14's are tanks.

I don't really care if they're light, I just want them really low profile (narrow) around the shin area.

I have huge knee caps but really skinny/narrow lower legs and a lot of the pads on the market are huge.

From what I can see just judging by pictures i've seen online, but Nike V-12's and the TPS Bionic's look pretty narrow, but i'm not sure though.

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I think the TPS Bionics are very similar to the TPS Contours. If that's the case, they are pretty wide at the bottom. I wear my shins over the tongue and that's specificaly why I bought the Contours.

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Nikes have probably the deepest knee out of everything on the market. I'd go with the 6000s. He's looking for something light, v12/v14's are tanks.

I don't really care if they're light, I just want them really low profile (narrow) around the shin area.

I have huge knee caps but really skinny/narrow lower legs and a lot of the pads on the market are huge.

From what I can see just judging by pictures i've seen online, but Nike V-12's and the TPS Bionic's look pretty narrow, but i'm not sure though.

The M1 shin pad is much more narrow at the bottom than most other pads. You should check them out.

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I have the V-12s. While they are kind of bulky when you put them on, after about 5 minutes it doesnt even feel like they are there. The padding molds to your leg. They are very mobile and provide amazing protection. Took a direct slap shot and it didnt hurt at all.

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I would recommend JOFAs

Jofa's are huge...

thats true but at least you could survive a drive-by ;)

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