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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R2 Wood Blade vs. R2 Composite Blade

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I normally use an R2 composite blade however, I would like to try and save some money and buy an R2 wood blade if it is worth it. Has anyone tried both of these blades? How is the R2 wood blade compared to the R2 composite blade? How durable is the R2 wood blade?

Thanks in advance.

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ive used both. although its been a while since i used the R2 wood i think mine lastes me about 2-3 before it started to get soft. the R2 comp. i didnt use for that long because i couldnt get use to the curve, so i sold it. i used it for a few summer hockey games and tryouts and it was great no chipping or anything good feel too.

hope that helps.

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I find it's a crap shoot. I currently use woodies as I prefer the feel, but I'm going through them a lot more frequently now. Probably about one a month and that's playing about 2-3 times a week.

When I was using composites I hated the feel (or lack thereof) but there was a little extra pop on my slappers. But given game situations, other than warm up, I rarely fire a slap shot anyway.


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Well i havent used the comp R2 extensively i have used the wood R2 for about 15 skates, i felt that they had good feel but i went through them one about every 4-5 skates theyd get that mushy/soft feeling.

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i use a synthesis sicore and a franklin powercore 8007(wood) cut and shaved to fit tapered...

since 3 game i'm using my L-2(franklin) and i don't feel any difference in term of feel...as for the weight(r2xn10+syns Vs. a L-2 and a wood blade) it make sens that my R2xn10 is ligther but not that much...

I wasnt able to play with my L-2 matched with a L-2 blade( i was going to sell my shaft..but since i put my powercore in my L-2 it feel a lot better)

and as for durabillity...i used this blade in a standard shaft for about 2 month before put it in my tapered shaft...and now there a big crack(maybe 2-3inch) but i jsut put some glue..tape it and it still hold up really well!!

CONCLUSION: You should give it a try at 30USD anywayz...

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The other guy at the shop and I never got more than 3 games out of an R2 comp blade. The R2 woodies aren't bad but get a little rubbery after a few games for me.

I have had amazing luck with the R2 comp blade I got from Marz That thing is a tank and has much better feel than the retail version.

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Thanks for the help guys. I decided to stick with the comp R2 blade...I can't stand that mushy feel.

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Sorry for grave digging but this is a question for comp R2 users. Has your blade ever cracked along the face of the blade? I haven't had any problems with the heel or toe splitting up but just a couple of games ago a crack appeared and it's running (parallel) throughout the face of the blade. It's a shame because it was a pretty nice blade until that happened....it's pretty soft now.

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I know this is different but relatively similar. I have had a Response xn10 and a Response + crack along the face. They started about an inch from the heel and slowly progressed outward till the blade snapped.

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I know this is different but relatively similar. I have had a Response xn10 and a Response + crack along the face. They started about an inch from the heel and slowly progressed outward till the blade snapped.

whoa. i think that's exactly what's happening to my blade (minus the snapping part...for now).

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