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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eastwest hockey -gloves question

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Hey guys,

I need a damn pair of those pro stock Easton gloves that sell Eastwest hockey. I don't know if I can get them at an other place or if someone can call Eastwest hockey for me because I tried to email them and they never give answer. I want to know when they will receive their new shipment of gloves or if I can buy the gloves at an other place.

Thanks in advance for any help...

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I think a group order is 6 or 12. I know, big difference.

But if the Easton Catalog is still pinned, it says the minimu order in the glove section.

I remember thinking, "wow, Easton offers custom orders on something."

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