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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Chadd, Man of 10000 Posts

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Hello Simon.....What kind of dog is that? He is soooo awesome

Collie - greyhound mix

He was abandoned in a motel room when he was just a few months old. He went to the local humane society and then to the no-kill shelter where my wife volunteers in the cat area. We're having some housebreaking issues but he's a smart little guy. Best estimate is he is 7-9 months old right now.

Hes really cute if I can say that......... :)

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You guys are right. You can't get much better than four minutes off. Congratulations, Adam91, your finger in the air method worked quite well! :) I'll PM you for your address.

And congrats for your new dog, Chadd. Nothing like getting a friend for life.


PS This was a spur of the moment thing to turn it into a contest. I hope it was a fun distraction for everybody involved.

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This is chadd. I decided to hack into some random user name and post my 10,000 post. Ha ha no one will ever win.

P.S Fonya is the coolest person on MSH.

Sincerly, Chadd

....oh the contest is over...

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