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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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questions about new skates

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ok ,i just got sum vapour 30's and theyre quite stiff but just a bit too stiff(im between 5'7''-5'9'' and 180 lbs)will this go away by breaking them in or will i just get used to it after a bit? ill get more forward flex by undoing the top eyelets ,is this ok in this skate or should i leave it done up? does wearing wet socks in them really help break them in? will this hurt the skate at all? will i ever get used to the pitch of the ls2's?(i just had t blades) are cobra blades leaned forward more? are they about the same weight? can i switch the lightspeeds for cobras and if i dont like the cobras can i get them switched back just as easy?

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well, I take it you got them baked, if not this will help! Also the more you were them the more they will break in and im sure you wont even notice it after a while. New skates always feel diffrent it seems. You could not lace the top eyelet but ive heard stories about people breaking there ankle because they didnt lace them up all the way. So i wouldnt advise it. I really dont know about the wet socks, so if you think it helps keep with it. No, wet socks will not hurt your skates. If you dont like the ls2's i imagie you could have cobras put on. I believe the ls2's are lighter than the cobras. Another idea is to get the mission pitch3's This way you can change the pitch to a more forward lean(+1) and if you dont like it you can change back easy. I have those on my mission s500's and i love em. Hope i was some help.

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Undoing the top eyelet allows you to flex easier.

Wet socks does work, doesn't hurt the skate.

You can get a custom radius done if you don't like the pitch of the LS2.

Cobras weigh much more than LS2.

You don't want to drill too much.

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well ill finish up playoffs(atleast 2 games) ,play some stick and puck and if i still dont like the pitch ill get it changed. what pitch are t blades? what pitch are ls2's? will it be bad to have the t blade pitch on the ls2s? thanks again ,im asking alot of questions and its nice of you guys to answer all them

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When I got my XXX's the steel felt different from the ones on my XX's.

The stiffness will go away, like someone else said baking them will help if you haven't done it yet.

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i tried walking around with wet socks in them and that helped ,i felt alot more comfy on the ice. i did get them baked ,i have for a few years ,i cant go without it. apparently im skating really fast now but i dont think so because im used to the faster i skate the louder i am with t blades. im totally loving the skates though ,im sure in 3-5 more skates maybe less im going to feal awesome in them

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and what about the your problem pitch....because i am in the same boat as you...i dont know if i should buy Flexlite or stay with my tack tblades...

Anyone know if the boot have a pitch lean or it really in major part the holder??

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