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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate comparison

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As mentioned in another post, i own a pair of bauer vapor vii and have the opportunity to get a pair of ccm 492 and/or 692 for "not much" money.

What do you think ?

Should i stay with my Bauer of should i take the CCM ?

The Vapors are ok for me, but obviously they are not the best. Sometimes i have the feeling they are ok, sometimes i think they are just garbage...

Some tops and some flops, you know?

I also like to try out new stuff.

I have flat feet, are the CCM a wrong choice ?

The actual problem is that i have to tell a buddy that he should get them from a particular merchant for me, so thats the reason why im asking here.


I hope you can help me.

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I will try it on before i buy it, thats for sure, but i just want to know some basic things before i tell my pal to get them for me (hes a seller himself, he just has to pic them from the wholesale-thing).

But if you guys tell me that i should stay away from them, he doesnt have to go for nothing.

Its quite unbelieveable for you guys, its a stupid european way of hockeyshopping



Hey, the Vapors are 9.5 EE, which would that be in CCM ?

Just approx. ? So that i know the range which i have to try on.

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CCM's are for flat feet. I've been in CCM's for 6 years, and just switched over to Mission this year. Whenever I tried Bauers on, they didn't fit my foot right, so I stuck with the CCM's...but after I tried the Missions, I loved them

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From what I recall the new CCM skates fit differently than the skates from the last couple years. That's a question Corry might be able to answer when he is in the chat room on Wednesday.

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More or less a D in CCM, CCM's are wide skates. Vapor's are narrow, I believe the most narrow on the market

i wear e width in ccm's and ee in nike/bauer


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You must have some wide-ass feet. Wider than mine...

no, i just dont find the d in ccm to be wide enough, i think the e is too wide , but i would rather them be to wide then narrow

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I meant Ladystorm. Sorry.

kinda, i just dont like to have my toes squished together or my foot scrunched in the skate. i could probably wear a d, i just dont like the feel

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From what I recall the new CCM skates fit differently than the skates from the last couple years. That's a question Corry might be able to answer when he is in the chat room on Wednesday.


Please :unsure:

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yes ccm lowered there arch to compete against bauer since CCM was known to have a HIGHER arch in there skates. Now the RBK skates ive been told have kept the original ccm last meaning it comes with the high arch so people with flat feet will be feeling something coming up from below there feet, thats only people with extremely flat feet. This is what my ccm rep told me 3 weekends ago. We also did a in-store comparison between last years pro tack and this years with our buyer and he was jutting out in last years pro tack where this years hes not

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yes ccm lowered there arch to compete against bauer since CCM was known to have a HIGHER arch in there skates. Now the RBK skates ive been told have kept the original ccm last meaning it comes with the high arch so people with flat feet will be feeling something coming up from below there feet, thats only people with extremely flat feet.

Sorry if this is obvious, but if someone is flat-footed, do they want a higher or lower arch in their skate ?

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