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Which are the best CCM pants?

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sniper, let me see pro tacks is top of the line so im guessing thats what they use in the ohl, smu is specially designed for the the hockey group...this was a real obvious question that could of been answered with common sense

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Actually no it couldn't have. Most pro players are using a two piece pant, usually a padded shell attached to an upper. Be a little more sure of yourself before you run your mouth like that. Also, thats a completely subjective question. ie) the Bauer 8000 is the "better" pant but I like the 6000 much more.

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Actually no it couldn't have. Most pro players are using a two piece pant, usually a padded shell attached to an upper. Be a little more sure of yourself before you run your mouth like that. Also, thats a completely subjective question. ie) the Bauer 8000 is the "better" pant but I like the 6000 much more.

well put, i also think pants are pp, if they fit, get them, dont just get top of the line if they dont fit

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Actually no it couldn't have. Most pro players are using a two piece pant, usually a padded shell attached to an upper.

Why do the pro's use a two piece? Is that just the way it is? :lol:

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Aren't the retail Pro Tacks pants 2-piece? And having had access to many pairs of pro and college pants, most may be 2-piece, but they aren't necessarily better than a pair of retail pants. Most are pretty much retail pants with logos and some with a removable bottom.

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Aren't the retail Pro Tacks pants 2-piece?

I think so, well mine can come apart. ;) If I had the choice again between 852 and Pro Tacks I would have to choose the 852 because the ProTacks just have too much protection for my liking. If don't like a bulky fit don't go Pro because they are made with extra protection for pro players.

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You like them better then the super tacks??? Also you said the pro Tacks have more protection and you dont like that??? Is that true???

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I've never tried the Super Tacks so I wouldn't know. I guess its all personal preference and Im a guy who doesn't like bulky pants so the 852 suit me better. They have plenty of protection but just not as much as the Pro Tacks. Its all what you like really.

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