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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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crazy idea

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has anyone ever tried to file the end of a wooden stick and add a piece of a broken ops or shaft, i think it might work for those trying to add length to their wooden sticks

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yea ive wondered that and also like if u got a OPS broken in like the center if u could like put a wood insert into the blade part and use it as a blade

i have no idea what you just said.

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I made a tapered shaft out of a broken 5030 this year, so I bet you could do it

howd you make a shaft or did you mean blade

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yea ive wondered that and also like if u got a OPS broken in like the center if u could like put a wood insert into the blade part and use it as a blade

i have no idea what you just said.

He means if you, break an OPS, lets say 3/4ths of the way down the shaft, you could stick it into a woodie, and use it as a blade. Only problem with that is if the stick you are trying to use as a blade has a long taper.

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yea ive wondered that and also like if u got a OPS broken in like the center if u could like put a wood insert into the blade part and use it as a blade

i have no idea what you just said.

He means if you, break an OPS, lets say 3/4ths of the way down the shaft, you could stick it into a woodie, and use it as a blade. Only problem with that is if the stick you are trying to use as a blade has a long taper.

I've seen a kid do the opposite with a vector 110. He cut it and filed a wood stick down to fit in the vector.

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I made a tapered shaft out of a broken 5030 this year, so I bet you could do it

howd you make a shaft or did you mean blade

I just chisseled (sp?) out all of the wood inside of it, it fit an Int. Synthesis blade, but I never tried to use it

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^ ya i dont think it would be strong enough,as soon as you took a shot it would just break,unless the walls were pritty thick

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i took a butt end, shaved it down to be even on all sides.

i took a broken synergy oput the butt end in it

i took a broken tir-core put the other half of the buttend in it.

suddenly i had half tri-core/ half synergy.

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I forgot what it was called but a long time ago, some independant company came out w/ a metal "insert" that would allow you to attach standard replacement blades to wood shafts.

The part that attached to the wood shaft was wider and the "blade end" was sized to fit blade tenons

I thiiiiiiiiiink I'm describing it correctly. It was such an obscure product and I don't think it was around for more than like five minutes.

This ringin' a bell for anyone else?

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or you culd cut off the size of extension you need and take some super glue stuff and stick it on and tape it up and maybe even screw a screw into it

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
has anyone ever tried to file the end of a wooden stick and add a piece of a broken ops or shaft, i think it might work for those trying to add length to their wooden sticks

Just a question...why would you waste the time? I think most people know what length to put their sticks, no?

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