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full shield or half?

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I am playing in a college league and i was wondering should i get a full shield since i will be playing in a rink that warm and wont prolly fog. Or should i just go with half visor?

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I would go with a crome cage, i can see very good out of mine and there is alot less chance of it getting broke or scratched

i agree, i have had mine for about 3 seasons and no rust or dents yet!

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Go with the full shield. Better safe than sorry. Plus, as a kid, I once saw a stick get stuck between someone's face and their half shield. Since the opponent couldn't retract his stick quickly, it worked like a cheese grater on the recipient's face.

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I have used both and I prefer the FULL-SHIELD simply because I did not notice a difference in the fogging issue between a full or half. So, the added protection is well worth it.

I've seen too many friends lose a tooth, or simply get cut by freak accidents on the ice. If you want to go with a cage, I like Itech's I2 (white on the inside / black on the outside).

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Go with whatever makes you feel/play more confident and not worrying about any possible injuries. It's been my experience that injuries find people when they're worrying and playing with that fear in the back of their mind.

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If you have money(for plastic surgery), hot chicks and look like Tim Hunter get a half shield.

Otherwise protect what is valuable: your sight, teeth, lips, non scarred face.

For me I would love to get a half visor but it only takes less than a second for damage to your face. Also seen the stick blade go between the visor and face. I was scared for the guy but it turned out alright. I can remember the times the cage saved my face... at least 5 times....

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I've been a visor guy since I could dump the cage. A mouthpiece has saved the chicklets a few times, so I highly recommend wearing one if you go the visor route.

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I'm bucking the trend as I went from a full cage to a half visor. Wearing a cage I struggled when the puck was at my feet as my vision was blocked. I think it would be similar with a full shield as the chin part obstructs the view when looking down.

I've never worn a full visor, but I've seen so many of those fog up really bad. As for the fog on my 1/2 visor (Itech HX50) I have good days and bad, but the spray solutions and a towel at the bench helps a lot.

Wearing a half visor, I have a Dentist fitted mouth guard. (Fortunately my work plan covers it as long as I say it's for night time teeth grinding he he.)

Mind you, I am starting to get old (33) and I find when I play with teenagers they are a lot less responsible with their sticks as they're use to having full face coverage so that could be a big factor in your choice.

Good luck,


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I'm bucking the trend as I went from a full cage to a half visor. Wearing a cage I struggled when the puck was at my feet as my vision was blocked. I think it would be similar with a full shield as the chin part obstructs the view when looking down.

I've never worn a full visor, but I've seen so many of those fog up really bad. As for the fog on my 1/2 visor (Itech HX50) I have good days and bad, but the spray solutions and a towel at the bench helps a lot.

Wearing a half visor, I have a Dentist fitted mouth guard. (Fortunately my work plan covers it as long as I say it's for night time teeth grinding he he.)

Mind you, I am starting to get old (33) and I find when I play with teenagers they are a lot less responsible with their sticks as they're use to having full face coverage so that could be a big factor in your choice.

Good luck,


if your looking down at the puck in your feet your most likely going to have bigger problems than not seing the puck

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I'm bucking the trend as I went from a full cage to a half visor.  Wearing a cage I struggled when the puck was at my feet as my vision was blocked.  I think it would be similar with a full shield as the chin part obstructs the view when looking down.

I've never worn a full visor, but I've seen so many of those fog up really bad.  As for the fog on my 1/2 visor (Itech HX50) I have good days and bad, but the spray solutions and a towel at the bench helps a lot.

Wearing a half visor, I have a Dentist fitted mouth guard.  (Fortunately my work plan covers it as long as I say it's for night time teeth grinding he he.)

Mind you, I am starting to get old (33) and I find when I play with teenagers they are a lot less responsible with their sticks as they're use to having full face coverage so that could be a big factor in your choice.

Good luck,


if your looking down at the puck in your feet your most likely going to have bigger problems than not seing the puck

What he means is seeing the puck at his feet WITHOUT looking down. I have the same problem, the bars screw up my periphal (sp) vision below. Tried black, chrome & silver. I really wanted to wear a cage. Finally gave up & got a half shield.

I see very few people in rec league carry the puck without looking down when wearing a cage.

Good thing there's no checking.

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if you go with a full visor or a full cage remember that incase theres any kinda scrums its easier for a person to rip off a cage or a ful visor then a half visor. also theres less risk of having your head injured if you do get in a scrum,besides if u wear a half visor and ur girl comes to the game means u can kiss her during the game

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Yeah, what Not Quite Dead said. It's about peripheral so you can keep your head up. As for scrums and high sticks, in my opinion, the more "protection" people appear to have, the more wild the altercation.


Edit: Spelling correction.

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Mind you, I am starting to get old (33) and I find when I play with teenagers they are a lot less responsible with their sticks as they're use to having full face coverage so that could be a big factor in your choice.

Good luck,


Amen to that!

Though if you go with a cage, you might get a few more high sticks called in your favor if the ref hears the "clink" from catching one. Of course collapsing in a heap with a gash will accomplish the same thing. I prefer the cage because I want the protection. I'll deal with any bad sight lines if it means I get to keep all my teeth. Lotts of people like the Itech I2.

Also, if you do go with a full cage/shield, still wear a good mouth guard because it will help with preventing concussions.

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I really love my full cage bauer 4000 mask, it helps with my vision and the chrome is perfect with my eyesight not to get in the way. Plus having a full cage has air flow and great protection for your face :)

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Unless you are making Millions of dollars playing in the NHL, you absolutely have to wear a full visor or cage. Trying to justify a half visor in my opinion is ridiculous.

For those of you who are still pretending to make the NHL, well I guess the half visor still matters to you then. But for the rest of us working stiffs, it's nice to come home and still be able to smile to your girlfriend with all your chicklets :D . Personally, I like Itech's I2 cage.

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You might have heard of this new fangled invention called a "mouthpiece". Well, they do a wonderful job of protecting chicklets. As I said before, I've worn visors for the last 13 years and although I've had the odd stick to the chops, I have yet to lose a single tooth.

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Interesting discussion as I think we have some "old school" vs. "modern reality" happening here.

I think we all agree that eyes are important so best to keep them safe.

As for the 1/2 visor, personally, I like being protected from the rare odds of an errand puck deflection (i.e. Steve Yzerman). That just makes sense.

On the other hand, I don't wear a full cage for two reasons:

1.) Peripheral vision.

After all, we all know how important it is to "see the ice."

2.) Respect.

This one may sound funny to the beer league goons, or even some younger folks, but when you know your fellow players are a little vulnerable, you're more careful with your stick and shots. You know, "do on to others as you'd want done to you."

I just see too many hits from behind, cross checks and punches to the head from people with full cages thinking this protection makes them and their opponents invincible. To me, this is the same as people driving big SUV's like maniacs because they think, "I'm in a tank so I'm safe."

I'd rather have a character scar on my cheek then be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.


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