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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Issue

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My Skates are about .5 too big for me and I would like to make them "smaller"...I heard adding footbeds to them help or something like that but how would I go about doing this? What are some other ways?

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either buy a flat footbed and put it underneath the existing one..get a thicker one that raises your foot up a little..or just trace your foot on some cardboard and put it under the current footbed..any of these should help..and not change the overally dynamics of theskate

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I've got the same problem w/ some CCM's I've lying around and I tried doubling up on the insoles, and even just adding cut sections (forefoot/heel) to add where I needed and it's not that bad of a fit.

However, when I tried skating on them, I could "feel" that the skates were too long and I just felt clumsy. I didn't get the responsiveness that I have w/ my properly fit skates.

But if that's your main pair and you can't acquire another pair, it's a solveable issue I think.

P.S. I personally would look into thicker footbeds (maybe some higher end, non-hockey Shock Dr.'s?)

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i had some extra insoles that came with my osiris shoes and they feel great, i used them in my previous skates because i had problems with the normal insoles. These elevate my foot really well and once again I bought a skate thats .5 too big for me so I put these in on the bottom and used the nike insoles that came with the skate on top, now my toes feather the cap and feel tighter.

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sell them... get a pair that fits.

Thats not an option for me.....I am not money bags at the moment (nor am I ever) and cant purchase new skates right now....Plus these are SUPER comfy and I got them for a deal ;) (50.00 US)

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