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Jason Harris

Vonage VoIP

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I didn't find anything in a current search. Does anyone have any experience or opinions on Vonage?

I saw an ad by them recently that would lower my monthly phone costs, but if the quality is inconsistent I think it would reflect poorly on my business. I've used Skype often when speaking to friends also on Skype, and the quality is generally excellent. Occasionally, I've heard an echo, but I can accept that for free VoIP. However, if I was paying a monthly fee of $50 for Vonage, I'd expect near perfect service.

What do people know of Vonage?



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I had a guy at work telling me about it and he loves it. I can't remember all the specifics but he said it's better than any phone service he had, plus you can have (I think) 3 different area codes, presumably to keep LD charges down for people who'd call.

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I'm signing up for it as my new phone service. I like the $25 all-you-can-eat option for residential customers.

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Sean, thanks for that link. That article was thorough.

The only problem I'm foresee is hooking up more than one phone. It said something about running a wire from the jack back to the router, but that wouldn't be too easily accomplished for some of my outlets.

I'll also be interested to hear Chadd's feedback after he's used it for a couple of weeks.

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Sean, thanks for that link. That article was thorough.

The only problem I'm foresee is hooking up more than one phone. It said something about running a wire from the jack back to the router, but that wouldn't be too easily accomplished for some of my outlets.

I'll also be interested to hear Chadd's feedback after he's used it for a couple of weeks.

What you can do is go all wireless in your house/business and one of those expandable wireless handset units where you can have one big one and a few seperate ones throughout the house. THere'd still be wiring, but a bit less than with tethered phones.

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I have Vonage and love it. The thing you need to know is that you can't dial 911 with it though. Keep a cell phone handy just in case.

Why not?

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Not really too sure. Fortunately, I've never had to dial 911, but I think it has to do with the number being not traceable. Kind of like a non GPS enabled land line cell phone? See if I can find something on Google. Just a minute.

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I just got billed and it made me think of this topic. I've been using it since late August and it has worked very well so far. Only slightly echo-y on one day and that was in the first week. I've used it to call all over the US and Canada with no problems at all.

If anyone is interested, let me know and I will be happy to forward an invitation that will get you a free first month of service. I get a free month too, so it's not an entirely altruistic offer.

As for the wiring issues; I set up a five unit wireless phone in the house and it works fine. I don't have a huge mansion so there are no problems with reception. If you do have a large house, I would suggest setting up the router at the location where your cable and phone normally come into the house and splicing/splitting lines as needed. It helps cut down on the cable clutter and can allow you to utilize existing home wiring. My IT-geek experience comes through again, woo-hoo. If you can't do it, I'm sure you can find someone to help you.

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I went over to my uncles and his is set up so when somebody calls his house it also calls 2 cell phones that arent at home. Kind of a cool feature that if somebody needs to reach you they only need 1 number.

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I went over to my uncles and his is set up so when somebody calls his house it also calls 2 cell phones that arent at home. Kind of a cool feature that if somebody needs to reach you they only need 1 number.

The forwarding feature is very easy to set up.

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