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RBK 6K shaft and 6K blade

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Just bought a RBK 6K shaft an the 6K blade. Thougt they would fit perfectly together, but they do not! The hosel is too small for the shaft. So I put two times tape over the hosel an put the blade in the shaft. Now it fits.

But why is it not possible to design a blade that fits perfectly in the shaft of the same series

Anyone with the same experiences?

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every shaft and blade is gunna need sum tape its just the way it is. when they make the shafts not all of them can be perfect in shape to fit every blade. the blades are mass produced so theres always that chance of error. they get it close enough to fit and let it go

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every shaft and blade is gunna need sum tape its just the way it is. when they make the shafts not all of them can be perfect in shape to fit every blade. the blades are mass produced so theres always that chance of error. they get it close enough to fit and let it go

I know what you're saying and unfortunately you are right. But for a combined $160 US, I don't think people should just have to accept it as a fact that a blade and a shaft from the same manufacturer (and even the same series) don't fit.

I'm with York though. Sounds like he may be trying to stick the tapered blade into the non-tapered end.

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every shaft and blade is gunna need sum tape its just the way it is. when they make the shafts not all of them can be perfect in shape to fit every blade. the blades are mass produced so theres always that chance of error. they get it close enough to fit and let it go

I know what you're saying and unfortunately you are right. But for a combined $160 US, I don't think people should just have to accept it as a fact that a blade and a shaft from the same manufacturer (and even the same series) don't fit.

I'm with York though. Sounds like he may be trying to stick the tapered blade into the non-tapered end.

Not to disrespect but how is putting a strip of tape on the hosel that big of a deal? You have to put glue on the hosel to put it in so tape shouldn't be that much of a hosel.

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every shaft and blade is gunna need sum tape its just the way it is. when they make the shafts not all of them can be perfect in shape to fit every blade. the blades are mass produced so theres always that chance of error. they get it close enough to fit and let it go

I know what you're saying and unfortunately you are right. But for a combined $160 US, I don't think people should just have to accept it as a fact that a blade and a shaft from the same manufacturer (and even the same series) don't fit.

I'm with York though. Sounds like he may be trying to stick the tapered blade into the non-tapered end.

Not to disrespect but how is putting a strip of tape on the hosel that big of a deal? You have to put glue on the hosel to put it in so tape shouldn't be that much of a hosel.

It's not a matter of the effort of putting tape on the hosel, it's the principle. I can't think of any other $160 purchase I make where I would just accept a bad fit and maybe put on a little tape to "fix" my brand new purchase. By the way, I've never had to put tape on a hosel to make it fit.

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every shaft and blade is gunna need sum tape its just the way it is. when they make the shafts not all of them can be perfect in shape to fit every blade. the blades are mass produced so theres always that chance of error. they get it close enough to fit and let it go

That shouldn't be the case with new shafts and blades. The only ones that I've seen that regularly had that problem were TPS R2 blades. I've seen the people that put tape on every blade, needed or not, and the hosel generally ends up out of shape very quickly requiring even more tape on each new blade.

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every shaft and blade is gunna need sum tape its just the way it is. when they make the shafts not all of them can be perfect in shape to fit every blade. the blades are mass produced so theres always that chance of error. they get it close enough to fit and let it go

That shouldn't be the case with new shafts and blades. The only ones that I've seen that regularly had that problem were TPS R2 blades. I've seen the people that put tape on every blade, needed or not, and the hosel generally ends up out of shape very quickly requiring even more tape on each new blade.

agreed from people heating the shafts and flexing them too early or even due to heat and the material expanding

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are you putting it in the right end?

the 6k is there tapered blade where the 5k is the regular style blade

We know, that's why some are wondering whether he was trying to put the tapered blade into the non-tapered (top) end of the shaft. That would explain a loose fit.

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That shouldn't be the case with new shafts and blades. The only ones that I've seen that regularly had that problem were TPS R2 blades. I've seen the people that put tape on every blade, needed or not, and the hosel generally ends up out of shape very quickly requiring even more tape on each new blade.

Do you mean the hosel of the replacement blade is becoming misshapen or the actual shaft is getting a larger opening from excess tape on the hosel? (in reference to 'requiring more tape on each new blade' statement

Is there a way to eyeball a shaft and tell if it has been streched or damaged?

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That shouldn't be the case with new shafts and blades. The only ones that I've seen that regularly had that problem were TPS R2 blades. I've seen the people that put tape on every blade, needed or not, and the hosel generally ends up out of shape very quickly requiring even more tape on each new blade.

Do you mean the hosel of the replacement blade is becoming misshapen or the actual shaft is getting a larger opening from excess tape on the hosel? (in reference to 'requiring more tape on each new blade' statement

Is there a way to eyeball a shaft and tell if it has been streched or damaged?

The shaft gets stretched.

Once it gets bad enough you can see that it's wider at the bottom than just above.

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