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Live 8

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Any Modsquadders going to any of the Live 8 concerts tomorrow? The Canadian one in Barrie would suck to go to..not really any hugely popular bands but oh well. Bryan Adams will be there and that's the only guy that I might enjoy seeing. The one in London, ENG would be amazing to go to.. I've heard that U2, Paul McCartney and Coldplay are headlining that one.

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what are the bashing about it? i havent read much on it, its got people like the lead singer from coldplay to Bono so i dont see their being a "political agenda"

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These LIVE 8 concerts are stupid. There is not money going towards their goals. It is just to encourage government spending.

They don't want your money. They want your face and opinion.

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I'm not going but a funny and somewhat related story. I was talking to my dad who was in Philly all week and he said he just got done having dinner with Toby Keith the other night. He was sitting next to a guy with a cowboy hat at the bar so he asked what he was doing in town. He had no idea who it was and told him he had heard his name but wasn't a country guy so wasn't familiar with his stuff.

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I'm not going but a funny and somewhat related story. I was talking to my dad who was in Philly all week and he said he just got done having dinner with Toby Keith the other night. He was sitting next to a guy with a cowboy hat at the bar so he asked what he was doing in town. He had no idea who it was and told him he had heard his name but wasn't a country guy so wasn't familiar with his stuff.

Thats pretty funny. When Big Valley Jamboree comes to town all the stars try to hide. They don't mind talking to people who somewhat know them and are not totally star struck.

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He had some drinks with a couple of the guys from def leppard the night before but didn't want to admit that.

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what are the bashing about it?

Lost oppurtunity to make money on gate fees, over the hill acts and misplaced Ideals are the most I am hearing. People using this as a way to promote their dwindling careers, while not getting any more, directly, for their cause.

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Bono not having a politcal agenda? Impossible.

i meant more that chris martin and bono would have different political agendas (but not in the poverty of africa case). i guess it comes down to if the message gets out there, does it matter how? the idea is good, but poverty will never be wiped out.

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Growing up in the 80's we were used to these things. Every 6 months or so there was another charity concert. Who could forget Hands across America(LOL). I'm sure alot of the older members can sympathize here. This was back when MTV was about playing music and wasn't a PAC( althougha very strong one too..)

I hate to say things were different though back then, but the apathy and cynicism towads the event is a bit troubling.

Give them a break they're trying to better the world.

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for those of you who were watching DMC on CTV in between about 7:00-7:30 Eastern, did any of you see why that kid was getting kicked out of the concert? I just walked in, and saw it on the TV, but I didn't see what he did.

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Any Modsquadders going to any of the Live 8 concerts tomorrow?  The Canadian one in Barrie would suck to go to..not really any hugely popular bands but oh well.  Bryan Adams will be there and that's the only guy that I might enjoy seeing.  The one in London, ENG would be amazing to go to.. I've heard that U2, Paul McCartney and Coldplay are headlining that one.

Shut up right now.....about the no good bands. I guess you arent old enough.

Anyway, it was a sweet concert, very powerful. I loved the reuniting of Pink Floyd, The Who, Paul McCartney and so many more good bands. I loved it.

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This was back when MTV was about playing music and wasn't a PAC( althougha very strong one too..)

i cant stand watching MTV now, way too political. everyone wants to have a voice, it really is funny. i think the true sign if these artists truly care is when they fork out the time and money to actually help. i think its great that they are doing this, but when they complain about countries not giving/providing money for these countries, they should be the ones steping up. i mean these people are multi millionaires, whats 10-20% of their income to them, but that would do a world of difference.

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Any Modsquadders going to any of the Live 8 concerts tomorrow?  The Canadian one in Barrie would suck to go to..not really any hugely popular bands but oh well.  Bryan Adams will be there and that's the only guy that I might enjoy seeing.  The one in London, ENG would be amazing to go to.. I've heard that U2, Paul McCartney and Coldplay are headlining that one.

Shut up right now.....about the no good bands. I guess you arent old enough.

I am pretty sure that it is just PP, if you like the tunes playing or not. I can't stand any Classic rock so personally I'm with Dangles for this but its an awesome cause so whatever.

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Im only 15 but I was still able to appreciate the likes of Neil Young and Tom Conchrane. Motley Crue was pretty cool but I still dont have any of their songs downloaded. But to say Canada has no good artists is completly ingnorant. This guys had some major hits.

On the other hand, I loved the Who and Pink Floyd.

Great ending in London and Canada. I knew Neil Young was gonna finish it with "Keep on rockin in the free world".

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why is sam roberts on this tour? im all for reuniting big bands, playign for agood cause, but sam roberts? aside from me hating the guy personally (funny story), why is he on live8?

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Fonya - Bands is all personal preference. If you don't believe that, see my most about 50 Cent and Coldplay lyrics. Some people like Band A, and others will enjoy Band B more.

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MTV's coverage was a joke. MTV did about shittiest they could job covering the concerts. Live 8 was a major event that deserved more than what it got form MTV. How many times did MTV need to run an ad for the sunday stew? I was under the impression we were going to see more than 30 seconds of a performance and then have to sit through the VJS talking about the same thing over and over and over again and then keep seeing the same montage about Live Aid and Live 8, it was annoying. And then showing some of the same performances more than once and no performances from certain artist was just utter bullshit. Was this about the music or MTV ad space? People were watching for the music, instead all they saw was MTV trying to profit off the event through commericials. There were barely any full song performances, the stupid MTV announcers had to keep interupting with irrelevant and repetitive bullshit. People wanted to see the music not hear a story about how some dude in the audience drove six hours from New Hampshire for the show. They should have shown commercials in between the artist sets not during the show. MTV and VH1 having the same feed was crap also, one should have shown the Philadelphia performances and the other should have handled the other performances outside the US. It should have been about the music and the cause not MTV commercials and MTV getting face time for ther VJ's.

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MTV's coverage was a joke. MTV did about shittiest they could job covering the concerts. Live 8 was a major event that deserved more than what it got form MTV. How many times did MTV need to run an ad for the sunday stew? I was under the impression we were going to see more than 30 seconds of a performance and then have to sit through the VJS talking about the same thing over and over and over again and then keep seeing the same montage about Live Aid and Live 8, it was annoying. And then showing some of the same performances more than once and no performances from certain artist was just utter bullshit. Was this about the music or MTV ad space? People were watching for the music, instead all they saw was MTV trying to profit off the event through commericials. There were barely any full song performances, the stupid MTV announcers had to keep interupting with irrelevant and repetitive bullshit. People wanted to see the music not hear a story about how some dude in the audience drove six hours from New Hampshire for the show. They should have shown commercials in between the artist sets not during the show. MTV and VH1 having the same feed was crap also, one should have shown the Philadelphia performances and the other should have handled the other performances outside the US. It should have been about the music and the cause not MTV commercials and MTV getting face time for ther VJ's.

I think that these people as well as myself agree with you.

The Public Speaks

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MTV's coverage was a joke. MTV did about shittiest they could job covering the concerts. Live 8 was a major event that deserved more than what it got form MTV. How many times did MTV need to run an ad for the sunday stew? I was under the impression we were going to see more than 30 seconds of a performance and then have to sit through the VJS talking about the same thing over and over and over again and then keep seeing the same montage about Live Aid and Live 8, it was annoying. And then showing some of the same performances more than once and no performances from certain artist was just utter bullshit. Was this about the music or MTV ad space? People were watching for the music, instead all they saw was MTV trying to profit off the event through commericials. There were barely any full song performances, the stupid MTV announcers had to keep interupting with irrelevant and repetitive bullshit. People wanted to see the music not hear a story about how some dude in the audience drove six hours from New Hampshire for the show. They should have shown commercials in between the artist sets not during the show. MTV and VH1 having the same feed was crap also, one should have shown the Philadelphia performances and the other should have handled the other performances outside the US. It should have been about the music and the cause not MTV commercials and MTV getting face time for ther VJ's.

Sounds like how MuchMoreMusic covered the SarsStock. A great band would come on and they would hype it up and then go to a interview with some random guy in the crowd.

For Live 8, CTV did an amazing job with little to no commercials and showed every majors band and all their songs and almsot every other band at least once.

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