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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ok so I'm al little late on the bandwagon......couple of years to be exact. Can anyone recommend an MP3 player? I don't want to spent the money on an iPod, and I don't need that amount of storage. Any brand better than others? Or should I just go to Wal Mart?

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If you want a really cheap but alright mp3 player with good memory go for the RCA Lyra. I got one for my cousin on his birthday. It was a 128mb for $80 CDN. Its small too.

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I bought a 30GB Creative Nomad Zen on sale last summer for $200, which was a great price given the storage. It's easy to use and I've had no problems.

I did the research, read the reviews, and came to the conclusion that the iPod is an excellent product, but it's commanding a premium for its name. Other manufacturers are making MP3 players with similar ease or quality.

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When buying a MP3 remember the battery cost then relate the price to the Ipod. As you know the Ipod has a rechargable battery so once you pay the 199 for the Ipod Mini you will not have to pay for batteries every week, which add up.

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If you want a really cheap but alright mp3 player with good memory go for the RCA Lyra. I got one for my cousin on his birthday. It was a 128mb for $80 CDN. Its small too.

i have one of these and would not recomend it because it only holds 30 songs.

or at least mine does.

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i second the mini disc player. i got one a few years back when they were in the $250 CDN price range, and i love it. they're helluva lot cheaper now. each disc can hold 5hrs of music, and i think there are new GB discs that can hold more. the battery life is what i love the most for mine, one AA duracell will last me months of continuous use

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The minidiscs are great. For $100 CDN you cant go wrong and most of them have 40+ hours of battery life. Holds alot of music on a disc too

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Is there a reason you couldn't use rechargable batteries on one of those other units? Would maybe give you performance a bit closer to the iPod, then.

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If you want a really cheap but alright mp3 player with good memory go for the RCA Lyra. I got one for my cousin on his birthday. It was a 128mb for $80 CDN. Its small too.

i have one of these and would not recomend it because it only holds 30 songs.

or at least mine does.

Then get more memory?

Plus its upgradeble. You can get a 1 gb card for 50 bucks now.

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