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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help.. 1 last time..lol

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the loft is similar to the drury, but that heel has a massive kick.... drury would be the easiest adjustment if your looking for a sl retail...your not going to get the same curve on any retail stick but with the drury at least you will get similar loft

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No retail pattern is very close to that. It has a major kick at the heel that no retail pattern comes close to matching.

this is the best answer I have seen. That curve is pretty rare so its really hard to compare with any retail curve. The picture is not even straight so the angle of the curve is even more extreme.

Its almost like Chadd asking which retail curve is like the pro Steve Sullivan ?

Can't help you out there, we are all stuck in the same boat. We are going to have to get our own custom made curves done :(

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Here is my current stick:


I need to know what curves in todays market are similar to this one..

eg: Forsberg? Drury?

Can someone give me 3 curves similar or nearly similar?? I am in need of a new stick.. thanks

i find it looks alot like a gaborik

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Here is my current stick:


I need to know what curves in todays market are similar to this one..

eg: Forsberg? Drury?

Can someone give me 3 curves similar or nearly similar?? I am in need of a new stick.. thanks

i find it looks alot like a gaborik

There is nothing about it that is like the Gaborik at all.

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Here is my current stick:


I need to know what curves in todays market are similar to this one..

eg: Forsberg? Drury?

Can someone give me 3 curves similar or nearly similar?? I am in need of a new stick.. thanks

i find it looks alot like a gaborik

There is nothing about it that is like the Gaborik at all.

I think he's talking about the mission Gaborik.

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