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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission m-1 glove/Bauer sdp glove

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I was just curious where I coud find a decent price on either of the aformentioned gloves? I'm looking for new gloves and so far I have found I like The Mission M-1's and the Bauer SDP glove. Any other suggestions are welcome also.

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M1 gloves have been discontinued, you should be able to get a good deal on them. If you're looking for anything specific that you can't find, let me know and I will check the current closeout list.

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there's always eBay...

Bauer SDP gloves.

That guy doesn't know what he's talking about, he has a 5000 glove pictured, and describes the gel diamond on the 5000.

If you can find 5000's on clearance for the same price as SDP, take them, they're such a good glove.

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i just saw the sdp yesterday at my lhs. i cant believe they arent cosidered close to the 5000, they had plastic everywhere on them and felt so protective. i would definately buy them, but i cant use them as per team colors and gloves.

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