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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do it yourself taking out rivets

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Can you do this...How would I go about doing this?

I grabbed an ice pick and a rubber mallet. Put the tip of the ice pick into the rivet inside the boot and gently tap the end of the ice pick with the mallet until the rivet pops out. The toe rivets are the most difficult, just make sure you have the tip of the ice pick inside the rivet otherwise you'll be hammering a hole through the outsole.

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You would probably need snips of some sort and something to drive through the hole. JR or Chadd are the ones to ask on this.

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I recently pirated a set of holders off a pair of Externos. Used a 1/16" straight punch from Sears ($2 if you need to buy one) to knock the steels out, & the coppers I nipped flush to the washers with wire cutters, then drove them out with the same punch. Had to grind (filing should work) a couple of coppers that didn't cut flush enough to punch out.

Hope this helps.

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i dont think ill be attempting any of these things at home ill probobly kill my self!

one time i was adjusting my helmet and stabbed my foot! :P

OK, how did you do that?

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its a ccm 652 helmet with screws on the side i was kneeling down and i slipped and got my self in my left foot!

Sounds stupid i know but...there you go :P

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Would an Awle work? (SP?)

most likely it would,andI think its awl not awle(might be wrong though)

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