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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Blades

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I was wondering if anyone out there curved their stick blades themselves? I know they do it at some Can/Am shops, but I like to do it myself. Do you use like a heat gun, or what and how do you curve it and make it stay in one position? Help please! :(

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This is what i did to some old koho daze's. I heated them up pretty good on the stove(could use a heat gun). Next i stuck it under the fridge(door will work too) and then curved it a bit and opened it up like a drury curve. Then i stuck it in real cold water and let it cool down into the curve i made. I also cut and sanded the toe a lil to make it round.

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most people will heat it up one way or another, heat gun or otherwise, use a door or whatever to curve it, although epuck carries some new curver thing for stick blades. Then you really should cool it down in ice, water, or both, to make sure it retains the curve.

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Ya, but make sure the blade that you're curving is fairly new and doesn't have any cracks in it or anything, and to make sure its really hot before you start to curve it or you might break it.

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When heating wrap the blade in tin foil as it helps the burning. After curving the blade soak it right away in ice cold water so it doesnt lose its shape. Finally heat both sides of the blade evenly so it bends easier.

Just my two cents.

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What I do is I get it nice and hot and use my foot to curve it, and I always have the hose nearby, so I spray the blade with cold water while I hold the curve in place so it holds better.

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