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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pink mission z-1

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Murrant, why do you have hatrid with mission products?

I had an M-1 it broke the first week i had it, I had mission skates until the blade broke , I just think Mission is better off with Roller Hockey more than Ice Hockey.

I prefer to stay to the good ol' companies like Bauer and CCM.

There was a huge problem with Mission steel breaking with the old formula holders. Once they got rid of the "driveshaft" the problems disappeared.

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Im serious when i say i would not be suprised if some company comes out with "tye die" sticks ......like some flashy company like mission or easton.

And its not that i want these but i am also curious...who and where do they sell pink pants?

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It's also about creating a buzz about the stick, and by extension the company. Graphics mean a lot to buyers, and going with something that sticks out - like the first copper coloured Ultra-Lite, the silver Synergy, the bright blue M-1, etc. - attracts people to take a closer look. This post further proves that it works. Simple but effective marketing.

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I entered the contest, if I won the stick, I dont think I would actually use it, unless they started making them, and putting them in shops, until then I would just keep it as a show off :P

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I entered the contest, if I won the stick, I dont think I would actually use it, unless they started making them, and putting them in shops, until then I would just keep it as a show off :P

Thats really great! ;)

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Personally Mission could bring out any color stick and i wouldnt buy it. I have hatrid with Mission.

Same here After 1 game with my M-1 the blade started cracking and peeeling But thats been my only experience with mission and it wasnt a good one so ill stay away

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Personally Mission could bring out any color stick and i wouldnt buy it. I have hatrid with Mission.

Same here After 1 game with my M-1 the blade started cracking and peeeling But thats been my only experience with mission and it wasnt a good one so ill stay away

I finally broke down and grabbed a Ribeiro Hex and I was pretty impressed with shot velocity and puck feel. I'll find out about the durability in the near future.

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