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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Check out the new bladeholder. I wonder how strong that polycarbonate one is.

According to the rep they won't warranty the clear model.

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IM liking the look of the 4510 skates, but I want those clear holders they look really nice, but I dont like how the screws are like that

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Ya those screws do look kinda odd. I saw some one on here had clear tuuks but i forget wear.The pants and gloves look pretty good. Dont care for the protective and what not. Does anyone got any info about those sticks. Like how they stack up to synergy, xx, vector, ect.?

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IM liking the look of the 4510 skates, but I want those clear holders they look really nice, but I dont like how the screws are like that

From what I recall the steel will fit in a Tuuk holder, the only difference is they are exposed and you don't need to cut a hole in your footbed to tighten them.

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they look exactly like ls2s except with the external screw thing :P

as far as stiffness, i'd say that the clear one should be really stiff, because it's made of the same material as nalgene bottles, and everyone raves about how nalgenes are unbreakable

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Never heard of Rebellion till now. I guess we dont get these up in Atlantic Canada. Although im liking the 6510 skates.

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int. ones I saw where light and seemed very durable.I'll buy one with my stick money next year, just to try out. I really want an adrenaline or 7k though.

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Never heard of Rebellion till now. I guess we dont get these up in Atlantic Canada. Although im liking the 6510 skates.

Their stuff is ok but overpriced. The sticks are made in the same factory as the Fury sticks.

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What are their prices like? Personally i think every company over prices there merchandise. They make a OPS stick for say 10 bucks, selling it for 200. But its all for them to make profit.

Now i dont know what over priced would be for this company because i've never heard of it. Personally i wouldnt buy stuff from them, because i dont know quality etc..

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What are their prices like? Personally i think every company over prices there merchandise. They make a OPS stick for say 10 bucks, selling it for 200. But its all for them to make profit.

That's not quite accurate.

The factory makes the stick and charges the "manufacturer" for it plus shipping. The factory has to buy raw materials and pay labor on the production. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time worth it, although the salary rates in Asia helps the business owner -- just not the employee.

The manufacturer sells it to the store at a higher price plus shipping. The manufacturer most likely then pays a commission to a rep who actually sold it to the store. They also need to pay for storage, advertisements, travel, etc. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and effort worth it.

The rep has to pay for his traveling expenses, phone, trade show expenses, etc. He's hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and travel worth it.

Then the store probably discounts the price off of MSRP to compete with other stores. They have to pay rent, utilities, payroll, taxes, etc. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and travel worth it.

Truthfully, most manufacturers would rather lower their prices and sell more volume, but everybody's costs are constantly rising.

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ops cost more than $10 to make

Maybe 40 but I have no idea.

It depends on the company -- how much volume do they produce? -- and on the particular model.

Let's say you're getting warmer.

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Ok thanks for correcting me. But i must say they still sell them for more than they're worth.

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Ok thanks for correcting me. But i must say they still sell them for more than they're worth.

What's interesting is I've been told by Sweden that any company could make a 100% composite stick which would be much more durable, but the price would be too high. On the other hand, there are times the sticks have to break for safety reasons; otherwise, you're skating around with a club out there.

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Ok thanks for correcting me. But i must say they still sell them for more than they're worth.

What's interesting is I've been told by Sweden that any company could make a 100% composite stick which would be much more durable, but the price would be too high. On the other hand, there are times the sticks have to break for safety reasons; otherwise, you're skating around with a club out there.

very ture Salming you cannot have an unbreakable stick. if my blade didnt break when i got my stick stuck in the boards i could have dislocated my shoulder or worse.

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What are their prices like? Personally i think every company over prices there merchandise. They make a OPS stick for say 10 bucks, selling it for 200. But its all for them to make profit.

That's not quite accurate.

The factory makes the stick and charges the "manufacturer" for it plus shipping. The factory has to buy raw materials and pay labor on the production. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time worth it, although the salary rates in Asia helps the business owner -- just not the employee.

The manufacturer sells it to the store at a higher price plus shipping. The manufacturer most likely then pays a commission to a rep who actually sold it to the store. They also need to pay for storage, advertisements, travel, etc. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and effort worth it.

The rep has to pay for his traveling expenses, phone, trade show expenses, etc. He's hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and travel worth it.

Then the store probably discounts the price off of MSRP to compete with other stores. They have to pay rent, utilities, payroll, taxes, etc. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and travel worth it.

Truthfully, most manufacturers would rather lower their prices and sell more volume, but everybody's costs are constantly rising.

How big of a part in the entire equation is research and development for you guys? We've heard from some reps that it is very expensive and that it really helps drives prices up.

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A couple of my teammates and I bought the dangerous white OPS from the guys in HK. It's actually really good and light. I haven't used other OPS much but the stick feels lighter than my friend's response. It has a nice grip coating too!

I think they were selling the sticks for $50US so that's a really good price for a OPS.

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Anyone experienced with their OPS?

They're decent. I'd compare them to a Vector, with a bit less durability. Add some Grip. Thin blades, heavy compared to the Original Responses and Vectors. If you pay a good price, say less than $150 cdn, you're getting an alright deal. I'd say they are inbetween a Price Point OPS and a regular OPS.

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How big of a part in the entire equation is research and development for you guys?  We've heard from some reps that it is very expensive and that it really helps drives prices up.

I don't think R&D is as big a drain for us as it could be for other companies, since we're smaller and have less layers. However, we lose cost savings in other ways, such as lack of volume purchasing. I have no idea whether The Big Three make ten times us, one-hundred or one-thousand; whatever it is, they can negotiate better prices.

Given where our MSRP's ended up for the quality, I'd say it all evens out. We may pay more to the factory and for shipping, but have less expenses along the way.

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What are their prices like? Personally i think every company over prices there merchandise. They make a OPS stick for say 10 bucks, selling it for 200. But its all for them to make profit.

That's not quite accurate.

The factory makes the stick and charges the "manufacturer" for it plus shipping. The factory has to buy raw materials and pay labor on the production. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time worth it, although the salary rates in Asia helps the business owner -- just not the employee.

The manufacturer sells it to the store at a higher price plus shipping. The manufacturer most likely then pays a commission to a rep who actually sold it to the store. They also need to pay for storage, advertisements, travel, etc. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and effort worth it.

The rep has to pay for his traveling expenses, phone, trade show expenses, etc. He's hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and travel worth it.

Then the store probably discounts the price off of MSRP to compete with other stores. They have to pay rent, utilities, payroll, taxes, etc. They're hoping to earn enough money by the end of the year to make all the time and travel worth it.

Truthfully, most manufacturers would rather lower their prices and sell more volume, but everybody's costs are constantly rising.

Ok that sounds quite expensive and hard to even break even. But then again I don't know how much all that costs in the first place.

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