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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heel lifting...how does it work?

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Well my topic say all...and is there a way to see how much will the skate will pitch??(forward or more backward...)Sorry for my multiple pitch topic i just whant to make sure...tomorrow is the big days lol...

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okay not to be kind of stupid...but i looked at some skate today at my lhs( i was waiting for the F10 and they still don't have it!!)

They all seem to go forward,i pick up a Nike and a CCM vector...and i try to look which one is more forward then the other but...i never really find it...

Do i have to look at the profile of the boot? or the holder??

And any other trick to: how to find a pitch?

By the way, it almost 100% i will put t'blade on the skate

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Everyone is talking about "pitch".. and i dont know what it is..

The only thing i know about pitch is this new invention by Mission where you can change something with the blade, but thats all.

Can someone help me out?

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From what I understand of Pitch is that how far forward you lean by default when you are on your skates. If I am wrong please correct me

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you can have backward, neutrala nd forward pitch, i think it goes by mm measurements, i was asked when i had mien contoured, i was on 0 mm before so i ddint want any

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It's kind of difficult to measure the pitch of the skate without skating on it. I'm sure there is a way to measure, but i dont know how.

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I've skated on every holder known to man and can adjust in about 5 minutes.

really cavs??

I demo the F12 for 5 hours and get used to skate forward,but skating backward was really bad i think i felt 3-4 time!!!and cross-over wasnt that great!! :ph34r:

That why i'm so confuse now...

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thats what the lightspeed does, on my xxs when i go them contoured the guy said lightspeeds put u more on your heels, do you want a forward pitch? i already lean forward so i said no

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i don,t really know what i whant.... i just LOVE THE WAY MY T'BLADE ARE!!!

i never knew what pitch was beforei demo the F12....but from what i know,t'blade are extremily forward pitch

So Yes i whant a forward pitch!!

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i don,t really know what i whant.... i just LOVE THE WAY MY T'BLADE ARE!!!

i never knew what pitch was beforei demo the F12....but from what i know,t'blade are extremily forward pitch

So Yes i whant a forward pitch!!

I found the t'blades I used to be pitched significantly backwards.

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i don,t really know what i whant.... i just LOVE THE WAY MY T'BLADE ARE!!!

i never knew what pitch was beforei demo the F12....but from what i know,t'blade are extremily forward pitch

So Yes i whant a forward pitch!!

I found the t'blades I used to be pitched significantly backwards.

Everybody here that have used the t'blade said they lean forward...did you do something on your holder?? :blink:

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i don,t really know what i whant.... i just LOVE THE WAY MY T'BLADE ARE!!!

i never knew what pitch was beforei demo the F12....but from what i know,t'blade are extremily forward pitch

So Yes i whant a forward pitch!!

I found the t'blades I used to be pitched significantly backwards.

Everybody here that have used the t'blade said they lean forward...did you do something on your holder?? :blink:

The t'blades made me have to lean forward on my own. Perhaps it was this forced reaction that people are crediting to the holders. If I stood straight up in them, I felt as though I was standing directly on my heels. I do not feel that way with other holders, even my old Tuuks.

For what it's worth, my partner Steve has the same impression that I do.

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where is your maison du sport?

Forward pitch might be the good think....but i don't know a good experimented hockey store that will know how to do it!! so if you could tell me where is it located i will go check!

By the way, do you know any store in this Montreal that have the Flexlite 10??

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maison du sport is located on boul. st charles, going 40 ouest you go right then the address is like 4484 in a strip mall. type the name in on canada411.com and when you call them make sure seymour is in, the guy is unreal with skates, and knows every little thing to help you out. i think they have f10s, otherwise i know they have f12s, beleive me you go there and talk to him, this topic wont have another post.

hes no jr, but he knows his stuff :)

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hey thanks yglod i got to maison du sport today and i saw the F10...the only store in all the wset-island that had them...so i jump on them...i should have bought the pro tack but i was more comfortable in the flexlite...beside this stiff tongue

And yes seymour is really f*ck up lol!!!all the worker there said he was not normal...just making skate his entire life lol!!!Anyways!

Thanks i never thougt about maison du sport and they do have some great deal!!110cnd for an appolo OPS...

I'm just wondering if it would be better to have them contoured and pitching the same way as the t,blade or just put t,blades on!!!

See ya

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