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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Tour skates

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Does anyone have any new info on the Code 1 skates? I know there is a big tourny in Florida this week so maybe the Tour ppl will be there. Also, are the code 1s the only new tour skates comming out, or is there a whole new line?

i need skated asap and was about to get some Blue Max's a month ago then i saw the code 1s online and decided to wait, but i cant wait too much longer.


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Yea I have held them and they are lights skates to the EXTREME! They us the same mold as the beamers do. (This is what I was told) The wheels are fast and the best ones on the market. I have a pair of the wheels that come on them on a pair of my skates.

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The official availability date for Code-1 skates will be mid August. We are currently releasing a limited supply to a hand full of dealers. This will be a sneak preview, limited quantities and sizes.

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and just who are these dealers and are any of them online sites i can take a look at?

good question & am I correct that they will not be offered in wide widths...?

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