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Sweden wins IIHF world title

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How many different inline world championships are there? The biggest problem inline hockey has, to me, is there are too many groups fighting for leadership of the sport.

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Yes I believe that is a huge problem as well both internationally and in the youth programs. There is the IIHF who just ran their tournament which has teams based out of ice hockey organizations like USA Hockey and Hockey Canada and then there is FIRS who ran the tournament in France and the World Games which has teams based out of roller organizations like USARS and AAU in the States and Canada Inline in Canada. It is also a problem in youth levels with NARCh, TORHS and so many more. One major organzation at both levels I feel would allow the sport to grow to its full potential.

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Yea for Sweeden!!!

I was there last year and sweeden were the best team, they just drunk to much and didn't take the tourny serious enough! I am glad they won! They all seem like real nice guys. They gave away some of there gear to smaller, poorer teams and some of them were keen to swap their shirts after the tourny. More than I could say about some of team USA!

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Torhs Pro going on and all the Tour guys having to show up probably had a little to do with USA's finish.

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I believe the Tour Pro guys only play in the FIRS championships in France and the ones going on in France. They dont play in the IIHF tournament.

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Last year's championship IIHF team had...


The Yoders

That alone is enough to make the team into a 2nd-3rd place team.

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Yea but this year all the mud cats manly played in FIRS like the Yoder’s and Tracy and others from Tour teams instead of IIHF and they took first.

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I think you guys are under rating the european teams( Sweeden, Finland, Czech)! The USA team normailly finishes around third, so its not a bad result, just last year they got lucky(beat Sweeden in a shootout, and Finland played there worst game I have ever seen in the final) In the last few years the have finished 05-3rd, 04-1st, 03-3rd or 4th?, 02-2nd.

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I do believe there are some pro leagues in Europe though, I believe there is one in Italy that I know of.

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I'm sorry... of course there are leagues, but most of the players play ice in the winter. And I really doubt there's a pro league in Italy. Only quad hockey... Do you have an URL of a league or club that plays pro?


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I do believe there are some pro leagues in Europe though, I believe there is one in Italy that I know of.

There is a league on Italy. A friend of mine has went over a few times to play for a team Where he gets flown over there at there expense and every game he playes I think he makes somewhere around 300 dollars.

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Sorry looked for a site but couldnt find one but I do know the league exists...how competitive and talented it is I couldnt tell you but players are paid and that is classified as professional. Also its not just Europe where roller players play mainly ice, all the Canadian inline players I know of only play for 3-4 months in the summer and maybe a winternationals. The US is probably the only country where players play inline year round and that is only certain areas of the states.

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Hey, I believe you Canadiens, but the only way those teams could pay their players is when they have a lot of exposure. If you do find a website (I found websites of their governing bodies, etc., but nothing fancy there) let me know!

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