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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm at my golf house right now, will be until August. Then I'm going to Europe (Sweden, Russia, Czech Republic, Belarus, etc) for hockey, and I'll be there playing for 2 weeks

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Quickie trip to BC for my 19th in early August and then later that month I take off to Orlando for a disney internship.....still can't get used to saying that.

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We're going to SD to visit the Out-Laws.

What I'm really looking forward, however, is we've told our daughters (6.5 and 8.5) that we're visiting a friend of Daddy's up towards Anaheim. I can't wait to see the wonder in their eyes when we drive into Disneyland's parking lot for a four-day Park Hopper.

You know the Mastercard commercials? I guarantee the look in their eyes will be priceless.

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Been to the shore every other weekend so far, but leave for Oak Island, NC in 3 weeks. When we get back, hoping to visit my cousins in Cali or spend a week in Carribbean somewhere...hoping around St. Thomas.

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Wedding, honeymoon and Oxegen took up most of my vacations for the summer but I'm probably facing a couple trips to N.C. to see the in-laws. Joygasm.

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mack, where in N.C.????

Marion, with all the nice mountain people.

LOL......No where near where I am (Raleigh...Cary to be exact ;) ) The 2nd safest city in America :rolleyes:

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Oh no, this is closer to TN so that should tell you something about it. It's a nice little place if you like barefoot people; horrible if you're phobic about banjos.

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