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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission He gloves

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hi i have the mission helium 750 gloves and i havn't had them long and the side of the glove on the fingers has melted this isn't due to any heat forced on the gloves its just when i was playing i noticed the little finger on the gloves was half hanging off. i don't know if this is a fault on the glove or what but i know it wasn't ripped by stick contact or human????

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I'm guessing he wants to know why a piece of his finger wart (perhaps?) is coming apart. Haha. Only a guess though. I think he's saying that it looks burned but it hasn't been exposed to any heat and yet it's still burned looking and hanging off.

Is it your bottom hand or top hand? If it's your top hand, maybe your tape has started to cause some friction burns? Or maybe you went hard into the boards and got some friction burns that way? I get that all the time. Especially on sort court. Not as bad as wood or concrete but it still happens.

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i ahve pictures but i dont know how to get then on and its my bottom hand. its inbetween the little finger and the 3rd finger its all come off the palm the palm is fine its the bit holding the palm to the glove if you tell me how to put pictures on i will show you.

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i ahve pictures but i dont know how to get then on and its my bottom hand. its inbetween the little finger and the 3rd finger its all come off the palm the palm is fine its the bit holding the palm to the glove if you tell me how to put pictures on i will show you.

Click the link below and then click CHOOSE and browse in your files for the pic then send us the link or the pic


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that blakc is the palm and the glove i have balck gloves and the shadow makes it look like that but trust me its only the gray bit around ther you are looking at the palm

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i dont have mid tape and even if i did that couldn't of done it because you don't play with the stick inbetween your fingers

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Sorry but that was the only thing i could think of that might cause a hole through rubbing and leave a black mark around it unless its just caused by the fingers rubbing :huh:

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call them and let them know the stitching is separating from the palm and the finger gusset and you would like to get them warrantied.

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Wow that thing is beat up looking! It looks like you held a firecracker and it blew up in your finger.

Kinda like my cute little pooch.


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As warrenty wouldnt they give him the new mission gloves?

If they do lucky him :o

They will either repair or replace the gloves.

He's lucky that he bought a pair of defective gloves?

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sorry you weren't down here with the Cup the other night man, Riley and the crew are doing a great job..

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