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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Country specific Syngery ST's?

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For those who have seen this pic of a Synergy ST and thought it was photoshopped, I can now tell you it's not. I just got home from the LHS and they had tons of these now, and they appear to be country specific, as they had the Swedish flag and the word "Sverige" (which means "Sweden" in Swedish) on them just like the WC Stealths. The color is a nice dark blue metallic fading to yellow as seen in the pic. This makes me wonder if there will be more versions for other countries, such as a Canadian or American version?


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Were they the same price as the regular ST's or more.. If so, how much more ? and did they have the WC Edition SL's ? thanks..

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well i know here (canada)

we've got a silver/chrome topping with a red bottom to it on the ST and the SL

and we've also got a silver/chrome topping with a blue bottomg to it on both the SL And the ST...

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well i know here (canada)

we've got a silver/chrome topping with a red bottom to it on the ST and the SL

and we've also got a silver/chrome topping with a blue bottomg to it on both the SL And the ST...

arentt hose the standard colours?

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Were they the same price as the regular ST's or more.. If so, how much more ? and did they have the WC Edition SL's ? thanks..

They didn't have any regular (silver) ST's at all, so maybe this is the regular ST for Sweden? And they didn't have any WC SL's or Stealths, just regular ones. Online stores in Sweden seem to have this blue/yellow ST as well, Great Skate Sweden and Ting Hockey (where it first was seen) among others.

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well i know here (canada)

we've got a silver/chrome topping with a red bottom to it on the ST and the SL

and we've also got a silver/chrome topping with a blue bottomg to it on both the SL And the ST...

What ST's have you seen with red bottoms? The grip is lime green so it must be a WC ST?

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No no, he said that he had seen ST's with red bottoms. I know the SL Grip has red, I have one :P

As do i.

He has his facts wrong.

ST: Silver.

ST Grip: Lime Green

SL: Silver/Blude

SL Grip: Silver/Red

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It was funny how people were still saying it was photoshopped when it was on the swedish online store.

and being used in a game in front of there own eyes.

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LOL! This is getting ridiculous! So just because some people here haven't seen this stick at their LHS it doesn't exist? Why would USA Hockey and Getty Images photoshop a stick that a Swedish guy is using? Good riddance... :rolleyes:

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