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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your Favorite Roller Hockey Skate

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I agree with some of you that converted Ice skates make the best roller hockey skates. (Sorry MFRS) but, If i had to choose one specificaly designed roller hockey skate I would have to choose my quattro 9500's. granted they are a prototype. Im a big fan of the integral DNA, they are light, (not 950 or 10,000 light, but close enough), they look badass (I dont realy care about looks, but some people do). I ve had them for about a month and a half now, I play 3-4 times a week, I went down to NARCh finals and they are showing no signs of wear....I also like the wicked lites.

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My D2c's with the rd star chassis are probably my favs. :D

Next would be a tie between my D1c's and my Proto VS's. The D1c's fit better, but are a little heavier than the VS's.

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my favorite skate would be the ones i have now

2002 mission purefly boot

sure grip flat chassis

abec nine bearings

and 76mm hornets

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RBK 8k

New black Tuuk chassis

New Labeda Wheels (ones with the 'saw' effect in the middle).

The 8k's are really really sweet for Roller, not to stiff like the Vector ice boots and plenty of forward flex to reaaly dig in on the sprint.

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Up until last week, I was going to go with the Mission D1. After last weeks game though, I have to say that my HE950's are my favorite skates, they now fit like a glove. If this years missions are even better, they have got to be amazing.

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while they are not out to the public yet, I got mine last week at narch finals and all I have to say is, buy the Tour Code-1 skate when it comes out. seriously blows any skate out of the water. comfortable, amazingly light, the chassis is great, and the labeda genesis wheel is the real deal.

save your money kids, the CODE-1 is THE skate to buy...

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Up until last week, I was going to go with the Mission D1. After last weeks game though, I have to say that my HE950's are my favorite skates, they now fit like a glove. If this years missions are even better, they have got to be amazing.

I'm feeling better about the HE950's but right now the Wicked Light's reign supreme with their fit. I think if Mission had a pro spec clarino liner on the boot like their ice skates and the WL I'd be rethinking my choice.

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