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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Maxx Energy

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I used to have one, it was a fairly heavy stick, grip textured, very thin blade, minimal feel for the puck. the blade is 100% graphite from what i could tell once i broke it and cut it off, tennon was completely filled in with graphite/kevlar. I paid $70 canadian for it.

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one of my LHS has 2005 ones in stock like the one shown in the link, the normal ones are lookin the same except they got rid of the vapor's imitation XX, they still have their E with easton's SYNERGY style. Their Maxx Energy Lites looks like Salming sticks and the intermediate weighs 400G. The neat thing is it tells you what flex it's going to be after how much you cut. How accurate that is I don't know.

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Their Maxx Energy Lites looks like Salming sticks and the intermediate weighs 400G.

Jbyun, you made my day -- somebody else's stick was compared to mine instead of the other way around! :lol:

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The neat thing is it tells you what flex it's going to be after how much you cut. How accurate that is I don't know.

The 2005 powertek sticks were the same way at the show. Probably made in the same factory.

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the maXX energy sticks are exlusive to the dealer Sports Excellence. I picked one up for like $60 in a modo curve, and i gotta say for my first experience iwth an ops i'm fairly impressed. i thought it had decent feel (though not as good as my apollo 2 pc which i think has the best feel yet), and it came with grip.

as previously pointed out, it has a very thin blade...i don't suppose i'd buy another one though, but i mean, for $60 and my first experience with an ops...i'd say it was pretty succesful.

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the maXX energy sticks are exlusive to the dealer Sports Excellence.

I saw them for sale at the Real Canadian Superstore in Calgary this past winter.

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