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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cut the wooden end plug or the composite shaft?

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wondering when you need to shorten a composite stick w/ 4" wood end plug (eg. Easton Cyclone)

What would be best... (1) to cut the wood end plug (having almost no wood left)?

or (2) the actual composite shaft (then putting back in the 4" wood end plug to make total stick length) ?

does either make a difference to flex of the stick?

FYI. I have always done option 1.

interested to hear what everyone thinks

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I would just cut the wood down because you can buy another end plug if you wanted/ needed to. THats just my opinion though.

And yes, The stick would be stiffer to flex.

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Always go with the plug if that's an option. The flex dynamics don't change that way, if you change your mind later, you can just buy another plug, if you miscut, it's just a $5 loss (for a new plug), etc.

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theres a new stick at my lhs thats orange and silver, anyways its rated as a 100 flex, and every inch for liek 3 inches it says: 104, 108, 112 just to show th eflex if you cut it

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thats 100% not it

orange and silver, not red, doesntl look like a copy of any other rband. they have a blue and silver model too.


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We sold an assload of their juniors last year. Then again at $59 it was a nice cheap stick.

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