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Ice hockey tape job for roller?

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Well i dont play roller hockey exactly i play ball hockey which is played on roller hockey cement and we use a ball instead of a puck. So anywas does anyone use a ice hockey tape job for the cement when they play roller hockey? I tried a full ice hockey tape job and i got better feel so i just wanted to kno if anyone does that or any other tape jobs used for roller hockey.

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Guest Stax7
Dan_The_Man_16 Posted on Apr 25 2004, 03:18 PM

  I usually tape the blade then cut off the bottom of the tape with an exato knife, or lay tape lengthwise on the blade, or I just dont tape it.

I think i might try that cuz when i tape it full the bottom always sticks.

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Yeah if you're doing a full tape job you need to cut the tape off the bottom of the blade, or go out and use it before a game to wear that tape off. Otherwise you're going to get a lot of friction and the blade feeling like it is sticking to the floor.

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Instead of wrapping tape around the blade you can just put on horizontal strips so you don't have tape on the bottom causing friction.

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Not taping the bottom of your blade will not protect it. Wood blades will splinter and hybrid ABS/wood blades will also begin to splinter. All-ABS blades i think are the toughest and most durable on concrete. But if your playing with a hockey ball, doesnt the tape cause ur blade to stick and roll over the ball?

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I play ball hockey for practice and I don't expierience anything like that. I can stick handle and shoot normally. You may lose some of the durability but there is nothing you can do about it. Unless you want to tape up your blade every 15-20 minutes.

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I have no issued with the ball getting stuck on the blade as long as the correct color ball is used.

What ball do u use? is it that hard orangle ball, the ball we use is aproved by Canadain Ball Hockey Association

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Thats what they use in provincials and my local ball hockey league. They don't stick to tape, but still barley anyone uses tape anyways. If you are using a tennis ball on the other hand it will stick like mad.

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We go by temperature here. It's outdoor dek, so the weather changes all the time. They're all Mylec balls, though.

What ball do u use? is it that hard orangle ball, the ball we use is aproved by Canadain Ball Hockey Association

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I'm going to tape the full bottom to add some protection to my blade but it usually wears out pretty fast. I never really experienced the 'sticking' to the floor.

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I started wrapping it all around like you would for ice and it works perfectly. I use it like this on a plastic playing surface.

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If its sticking to the floor...Well I know sometimes our floor had alot of dust on it, once the bottom of my tape got all dusty it would slide easy and not stick. Maybe at home try putting something like dust on the bottom of the tape and rubbing it in.

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The other day I was playing and my blade was starting to come apart on me. So I just took 3 strips of tape lengthwise and put it on the bottom of the blade. The blade held nicely and after playing for 2 hours on concrete it only got through the first layer or two.

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Hey ya about the tape thing....It depends on the blade you have and what you are playing with(puck or ball). For me i have a mission wood synthesis stick which seemed to works fine because in the league i play in we use a ball, but if you need more grip you can put on tape lenghtwise or use a grip glue stuff.

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I use Mac's Hockey Tape, but, I cannot seem to get a hold of them. Anybody have any info on them? I had a ton of the stuff and now have worn down to nothing.

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For me i have a mission wood synthesis stick which seemed to works fine because in the league i play in we use a ball,

I've never heard of this stick (Mission Wood Synthesis). Do you have pics or anything of it?

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No, he means a Mission wood synthesis stick, they are old wood sticks that Mission made when they first starting making sticks. They also made replacement blades with that name. Please, don't correct someone if you don't know what you are talking about.

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No, he means a Mission wood synthesis stick.

The wood synthesis's were black and had the graphics like the dangler did. It was sorta like a tribal logo. Im pretty sure the graphics came in different colors too. Those sticks werent the best....

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