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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

Mission M1 OPS

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OK, I got a Mission M1 Rafalski pro return. Real nice toe curve, by the way, I totally dig the curve's shape (there are pictures on the forum somewhere). Also, I htink the shaft great feel both dimension wise, the fact that the shaft is extra long, and the fact that it's flex is uniform throughout the shaft. Although, it seems a bit whippier than a 95 flex, and also Rafalski is a short dude - what's he doing with a shaft that suits a over 6-footer?. Athetically, I like the simple design and color of the stick too. Very classic and not over done (reminds me why I like the DRW jersey's - simple, classy, not too busy, good looking). But I digress.....

I just got around to starting to use it, but found that (for me) the blade was too soft. I was curious if this was just me (personal preference) or it being particular to the stick. I mean, perhaps it's old (this HAS to be an early model as you can see the fuse point and I seem to recall this was a problem/complaint on the early ones), or perhaps it was by Rafalski's design (i.e., different from retail - perhaps Rafalski wanted the blade to be more flexible as I understand some people prefer it that way for wrist shots or what not)?

I personally don't care for the flexible nature of the blade as it opens up too much on slap shots and has made the "sweet spot" pretty small as a result (has to be hit real close to the heel where the blade is a lot stiffer). But, again, one man's floor is another's cieling, so that's purely PP.

Regardless, I couldn't find anything using the search function, so was just curious. Anyone else find their M1 Ops blade to be too soft "out of the box" (i.e., new - not breaking down over time)? Anyone know if this was a problem with earlier models perhaps? Or if it's a difference between it being an actual pro model as opposed to retail?

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yea i bought a mission m1 because they had it for 50% off regular....i shoulda saved my money cuz i absolutly hate the M1. Yea i totoally agree the blade feels soft like it feels like a wood stick. Ive got same curve and its awsome curve but the blade feels so solid and playing with synergys and that the stick has another feel for it. I used mine for like 3 ice times and ive never used it since cuz it sucks in my opinion.

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Yea i totoally agree the blade feels soft like it feels like a wood stick.

Dont most people want that in a composite stick? :rolleyes:

I don't know about him, but I'm not talking that sort of soft. There's puck feel which people want (natural resonance of wood), but if the blades too pliable where you can bend it in your hand with not too much effort then it opens up during hard shooting making it harder to point the puck and robbing it of energy and lift.

Compare this to, say, the blade of an XN10 (which you could use as a crow bar)......

Plus, a hard blade makes for good slap shots (IMMO).

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..........Regardless,  I couldn't find anything using the search function, so was just curious.  Anyone else find their M1 Ops blade to be too soft "out of the box" (i.e., new - not breaking down over time)?  Anyone know if this was a problem with earlier models perhaps?  Or if it's a difference between it being an actual pro model as opposed to retail?

Yeah I agree Ogie. Both M-1's that I have owned (Rafalski retail, and a pro-stock) were the same way. Although I can't really bend that blade very much, I can feel it opening on a slapshot.

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My prostock Si-core felt the same way, granted it's supposed to I just couldn't shoot with it. Funny thing is everyone else I talked to who had one said they couldn't feel a difference.

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I have 2 L2 blades and I can't stand them. That "wood like" feel is why. I guess some guys like it, but I can't use them. It feels too dead to me. Too cushiony. So do Sicore blades. I love Focus Flex blades. Not the best Im sure, but I can feel the puck very well because the blade is so snappy feeling.

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Same here, I hated my si core blade. Its too soft and dead. I like the normal synergy blades waaaay better. Theres more pop and feel. Its all just pp tho.

I agree.. and i cud also feel the blade really open up on it.. Felt terrible..

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By the way, a buddy of mine just bought a brand new (recent release) M1. Blade is quite a bit stiffer than mine. Since I haven't used mine much (half of one game and a couple of warm ups here or there) it can't be a matter of getter softer with use (a problem I have noted with my XN10).

SO, either I got a "bad batch", a player spec model (i.e., maybe Rafalski asked for it that way) or it has been since modified on newer releases.

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I had the same problem with my M1. It's a shame because the shaft is really good. My blade cracked after only taking around 10 slap shots in practice.

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I have a small horizontal crack in the blade of my M1. The blade is still quite stiff and I have not noticed any opening up of the blade on shots.

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OK... so I got tired of the M1 blade of my Rafalski Pro being too soft (love the flex of the shaft - blade is just too flexy). So, since I can see where the fuse point is, heated it up very, very slowly over a long period of time, put it in a clamp, wrestled and BOOM! Now I have an M1 shaft (ok, not that this is interesting, but...)

The blade? IS WOOD. What the hell? It's a wood blade. Guess Rafalski must not like the comp blade so had wood put in and painted. No wonder it was so flexy.

ALSO... the shaft isn't tapered. Takes standard blades. Perhaps an early test mule for the Shaft painted to look like a regular M1.

Regardless, I almost feel jipped (but, hey, that's the risk you run when buying a pro stock I guess, right?).

SO, not a tapered shaft, and a wood blade on my Rafalski Pro M1 return.... :(

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WOW Ogie, that's an interesting thing you got there.

It's a known fact that Rafalski uses wood blades and a standard shaft. I'm guessing what you got was a fused wood into a standard M1 shaft, painted to look like an M1 OPS.

Really interesting...

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So it would appear.... bummer, too, as it's a lot of coin to drop for a mock-up, if you know what I mean (ok, so I guess I can say I have something unique, but I bought it for function, not as a oddity, so somewhat let down). At least it explains why the blade flexes so much (although, others have noted some flex in the M1 blades, I found it hard to believe they all flexed THIS much - so perhaps this explains it).

I wish I'd found out earlier as I probably could have returned it to Peranis, but somehow, I don't see them as taking it back now (10 months later) despite the fact that it's obviously barely been used (still the original tape job).

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