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MSH fantasy football

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Ok, two questions.

Who would do a MSH fantasy football league?

Mods, if there's a decent response would I be allowed to start a MSH yahoo football league?

No problem here, I would prefer to see it offered to mods and senior members first though.

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Ok, two questions.

Who would do a MSH fantasy football league?

Mods, if there's a decent response would I be allowed to start a MSH yahoo football league?

No problem here, I would prefer to see it offered to mods and senior members first though.

alright, that sounds good. I'll PM the ID/PW to any senior members that replied, and the mods. then this time tomorrow I'll make it public

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As you'll see as you sign up, check the league settings, I went pretty crazy. There will be a lot of scoring, but nothing insane. Lots of bench spots too, so in the late rounds you can take chances on guys

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Im having trouble joining. It brings up an error.... everytime! Can anyone help? My yahoo name is mshmiike

This is the error...

• There was a temporary problem with the server. Please try again shortly. (Error #115)

• The password is incorrect. (Error #109)

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you're going to join custom league, ID #332517, password MSH. right?

Nevermind i found it. I went to cap football. Wrong one.

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Question: How do we decide positions of who drafts first? etc...

Yahoo randomly picks it a half hour before the draft.

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So for everyone who has signed up whats your team's name??

I'm the Blazers

Also what is head-head scoring?

AND....I can pre-rank playerd if I might not be there right?But what if i get there a little late can i change to live?

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And one last thing...It has a max number of positions. So if you already have a QB drafted will it go to the next higest rated player of another position?

What does BN stand for?

Sorry bout all the questions but i'm really excited..lol

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I'm pretty sure it'll fill all your positions first with your pre-ranked guys.

And head to head is you face a guy every week, most points wins. That's your 'game' for the week. Win week one = 1-0 lose week one = 0-1

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I'm in. I'm the team "." for now, but I need to change it. Couldn't think of anything right now so I'll change it later.

EDIT - Changed it to The Bus Drivers cuz I'm gonna be taking all you guys to school. B)

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I just recieved an email from yahoo reminding me of the MSH FF draft tomorrow! So im reminding you just incase!

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Well I missed the draft (was playin poker...) and it looks like I got effed over big time for it. My team is ridiculously horrible. Oh well.

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Well I missed the draft (was playin poker...) and it looks like I got effed over big time for it. My team is ridiculously horrible. Oh well.

same here the only guy i have that is any good is moss

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