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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSH fantasy football

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I got a pretty solid team, but I hate it when there are individual defensive players assigned....so I had to raid the FA list.

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I missed the draft, but picked up about 600+ points in defensive players that I had no clue how they went undrafted.

I'm looking for a WR, mid-range, possibly for one of my RBs not named Tomlinson.

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mik3 if whats your name on there I may be willing to move a WR.

What does BN mean.

LOL i just noticed I somehow managed to get Harrisson,Bailey and Mcgee on defence that sick.

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mik3 if whats your name on there I may be willing to move a WR.

What does BN mean.

LOL i just noticed I somehow managed to get Harrisson,Bailey and Mcgee on defence that sick.

I'm Deion's on roids

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What does BN stand for? Cuz I have an absolutly sick defense and I cant put people in positions cause of this BN thing.

P.S. Im takin' all the Defence points..Harrisson,bailey,mcgee,james and rice oooo baby, now I just need some offence.

And I NEEEED WR so offer me some trades anyone with a decent receiver.

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BN is bench I believe....guys who arent active that week in order to change you have to put the BN player to a position and a player from that position to BN and theyll switch.

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By the way Regina Rangers has an AMAZING TEAM and is definately going to win...lol

I have never won, so dont say that to soon :D

-edit- I am missing a solid running game too, Barlow isnt exactly amazing, though not bad. I would feel better with a Holmes, Tomlinson or alexander in my line up, but who wouldnt?

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