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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nike v12, v14 bake question

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does anybody know at what temprature and the amount of time that your suppose to bake the v12/v14 nike line of protective gear?


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Do you mean skates? or like shoulder pads elbow pads? Because i have only heard of heating skates not under gear.

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Im not sure, i have synergy elbow pads, I dont know if i can heat mold them. Im not sure why i would either?

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i'm talking about the protective gear, you are suppose to heat mold it on your oven at home.

and yes, easton does have protective gear that you are suppose to heat mold, including gloves.

you would want to heat mold your elbow pads to make them more comfortable.

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I have the synergy elbow pads, synergy shin pads, and 500 shoulders pads and do u know what temp. and what length of time you are supposed to heat it? Is a heat gun feasable(sp)?

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Don't do Easton gloves at home, I did it just like I was supposed to and they heat molded but they heat molded TOO well, I could never break them in from the molding. The glove never opened more than half way, it made picking up my stick impossible.

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