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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Long cuffed gloves

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What options are there for people who'd like long cuffs on their gloves? Many older gloves had pretty long cuffs but it seems as most modern gloves have short cuffs. What brands and models are there out there available in long cuffs?

And while on the topic, what model would this long cuffed Easton glove be?


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I think you can get eagles with a longer cuff. Theres like a classic model where you can get them or im sure you can have them with a custom made glove. As for those eastons, those are pro stocks, I dont think any easton retails have long cuffs.

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I got a pair of CP94, and had the long cuff option they sound right up your alley. These gloves are awsome nylon split finger, and getting goatskins put on right now.

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I think you can get eagles with a longer cuff. Theres like a classic model where you can get them or im sure you can have them with a custom made glove. As for those eastons, those are pro stocks, I dont think any easton retails have long cuffs.

Yup, I've got Eagle X51's. The 1 on the end means a longer 15" cuff. So X71, X81, ect. The whole glove doesn't have the long cuff though. Only the inside part of the cuff (the one to protect your inner forearm) has the extention. I abosoloutly LOVE mine because it gives you full range of motion everywhere and still has that little extra extention to give you protection where you need it.

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