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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wooden Sticks

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Guest phillyfan

I use the Sherwood 5030 anytime I go to open hockey, some players are nuts there and act like they are pros. Slash here, slash there, rather break a woodie here than damage a game stick.

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For Ice I use a Sherwood 9950 or Sherwood ETS 5.0

For roller I just picked up a CCM Vector V50 woodie because of the blade. I've never played roller in a league before so I'm not sure how it will hold up.

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I used to only use woodies because I never had the money or wanted to spend the money on the more expensive stuff. Now that I picked up an R2 XN10 I don't think I will ever go back to a woody.

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i use bauer 3030's, the best wooden stick i have ever used, i use them off and on when i'm working towards my newest one-piece stick. i play minor midget AA.

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I have no more good woodies...my sister had a garage sale and came over and took my sticks...sold 8 of them for $1 each. LOL...

Sold all of my GI Titan 9800 GrooveLite and GI Vics. Grr...

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Actually I really like that my R2 XN10 (which isn't an OPS btw) is a whip flex. It seems like I got more feel, and the benefits that my shot have gotten are far superior to anything I could have gotten with my old woodies.

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Bauer 3030's with Lindros curve and Flarrow 5050's with a mid curve are the only woodys I will play with, when I'm not using my Synthesis that is. I prefer the 5050's for duribility, but like the 3030's for everything else. If only the Lindros curve was a 5 or 5.5 lie, I don't think I would use a composite stick. I'm actually thinking of gettin some custom 5050's made with the Lindros curve and a 5.5 lie.

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Guest Stax7

I tried a sherwood 5030 i absolutly hated it. worst thing i ever tried. I probably would of had a better shot with a 2 by 4

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I used to use a Bauer 3000 for roller hockey and an Easton Z-Carbon 95 for ice. I was going through one a week and when they changed the blade for '03 they got really bad.

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Guest Stax7
kosydar Posted on Apr 25 2004, 10:45 PM

  I just can't use them. I bend the shaft within an hour each time.

I noticed that with my buddies 03s they are always bent. I get the 02s and i never bend them. Pluse there 10 bucks cheaper

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Sherwood 7000 for shinny. Bunch of hacks will eat up your stick. Last winter I bought one and after a game of shinny, the damn little punks left my stick with 3 cracks in the shaft. Still works fine.

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I have tried to go back and forth but after a composite stick, wood sticks feel like a lot of dead weight. The feel may be better on some wood sticks but the weight factor between the wood and composite tends to balance out the equation.

I only recommend that you spend the money and get a good composite stick.

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