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RBK 7k Shinguards

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This may seem odd, but as we don't carry the 7k in the shop and I'm strongly considering ordering them, can anyone who has seen them confirm that the bottom is wide like the 8k/9090? Only reason I asked was because my 14 inch 6k's were wide at the bottom, while the 15 inch was as if it was basically a 14 inch with a 1 inch narrow extension at the end. The narrow extension sits on the tongue of my skate (annoying) while the wide opening sits around the tongue of my skate (comfortable). To make matters even more confusing the 15 in 8k has the wide bottom I want. I appologize if I'm sounding like a total fool right now.

Last thing, what are the main differences between the 7k and 8k, as I've never seen the 7?

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I'm home now but will measure them for you when I get to the shop. You may get someone else to answer before I get back though. I'm selling mostly 8k and 6k. From visualization, I think the 7k is as wide at the 8k, just the internals different.

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Thanks, were 8k/6k also where I work, but for my purpose the 8k feels awesome but is too bulky and the 6k doesn't feel right. I'm thinking the 7 would be perfect. Also, if you do get a chance to measure, i'm really only concerned with the bottom tip of the shinguard, ie) the part that would be over my tongue in a 15 inch pad.

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I know this doesnt have to much to do with it but, Is the 9090 too much pad? I play midget minor(u16) AAA btw. It felt pretty bulky at first compared to my old jofa 3000's but im startig to like them. any thoughts?

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I know this doesnt have to much to do with it but, Is the 9090 too much pad? I play midget minor(u16) AAA btw. It felt pretty bulky at first compared to my old jofa 3000's but im startig to like them. any thoughts?

I don't think you can have too much protection, if your mobility is OK then what's the issue. I play with a guy who has the biggest shins and he always blocking clearing passes and getting in the way. He's a fwd and is constantly creating turnovers...with his shins.

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The patron saint of Craig Ludwig, # 17 Montreal Canadiens. The guy had shin pads as wide as the Lincoln Tunnel. Sorry for the NYC reference. He blocked more shots with those shin pads than half the d-men in the NHL.

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I guess I never thought about that. Seeing as Im a winger Im likeing the bigger shins more and more.

Its all about comfort. If you can manage them on your legs, it's no problem. As a d-man, I wore pads an extra inch long just for protection down low at the top of my skates. I would let the extra inch sit over the top of my skate tongue in case of a blue-line slap shot nailing me on the top of my foot when I was standing in front of my net. Never had a problem with comfort or skating.

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I guess I never thought about that. Seeing as Im a winger Im likeing the bigger shins more and more.

Its all about comfort. If you can manage them on your legs, it's no problem. As a d-man, I wore pads an extra inch long just for protection down low at the top of my skates. I would let the extra inch sit over the top of my skate tongue in case of a blue-line slap shot nailing me on the top of my foot when I was standing in front of my net. Never had a problem with comfort or skating.

You should be getting out of the way of those shots! :D Let the goalie see it.

But you are absolutely right. Unfortunately, many see the big shin and wont even try it on. Perception is that it's bad for fwds

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My old ones (3000's) were 16", so they came down over the tounge and maybe just the 1st eyelet. my new ones(9090's) are 17" and they come down maybe 2-3 eyelets over the tounge. Like darkstar said, its good to have that extra because you dont wana take on the ankle. My skateing is still good, nothing wrong and there very comfortable so im happy. I guess I was just asking if there can be too much padding, like unnecisary(spell?) padding.

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