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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have Vapor XX size 9 Skate. I am going to recieve a pair of TUUK Lightspeed 2's as a backup incase my LS2's break. The LS2's i am getting were on a size 6 skate i believe. Could they still fit on my size 9 XX??? May seem like dumb question but just asking for help. THANKS

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nope, the hole are very close so all you have to dois expand the easton holes. the only holders that cause alot of problems are t-blades,cobras and the old prolites, the e-holder isnt as bad but still a pain in the butt

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nope, the hole are very close so all you have to dois expand the easton holes. the only holders that cause alot of problems are t-blades,cobras and the old prolites, the e-holder isnt as bad but still a pain in the butt

Expanding the holes will cause the rivets to move around, not a good thing at all.

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nope, the hole are very close so all you have to dois expand the easton holes. the only holders that cause alot of problems are t-blades,cobras and the old prolites, the e-holder isnt as bad but still a pain in the butt

Expanding the holes will cause the rivets to move around, not a good thing at all.

not if you use a long enough rivet or a copper rivet. and expanding the holes very slightly. best thing to doe would probably be expand the hole on the holder itself rather than the boot so your not making excess holes

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IMHO I would also add (drill one or two new holes in the holder & boot) rivet(s) to increase the strenght/bond between the holder & boot. Just an idea.

but if you add more holes to the skate then is needed you can weaken the skate itself since the strength of the boot is the sole of the skate not the uppers. also seeing nhl and ohl players just using standard blade holes from a tuuk or cobra or ccm holder should show that you dont need anymore holes.

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IMHO I would also add (drill one or two new holes in the holder & boot) rivet(s) to increase the strenght/bond between the holder & boot. Just an idea.

but if you add more holes to the skate then is needed you can weaken the skate itself since the strength of the boot is the sole of the skate not the uppers. also seeing nhl and ohl players just using standard blade holes from a tuuk or cobra or ccm holder should show that you dont need anymore holes.

you wont weaken the skate at all.

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yes you will weaken it, picture adding multiple holes to the bottom and your foot applying pressure to it. the more holes on the bottom that arent needed can weaken the skate. its just like adding alot of holes in a circular form around a box it makes it easier to break rather then a box that has no holes

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nope, the hole are very close so all you have to dois expand the easton holes. the only holders that cause alot of problems are t-blades,cobras and the old prolites, the e-holder isnt as bad but still a pain in the butt

Expanding the holes will cause the rivets to move around, not a good thing at all.

not if you use a long enough rivet or a copper rivet. and expanding the holes very slightly. best thing to doe would probably be expand the hole on the holder itself rather than the boot so your not making excess holes

What does using a longer rivet have to do with making the hole wider? If the rivet is at an angle you're much more likely to have problems with it as well. Half-assed repairs aren't a good thing.

So chadd what do you propose I do?

I thought the Easton holders matched up to a Tuuk+ but I could be thinking of something else. If so, throw on some Pitches.

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yes you will weaken it, picture adding multiple holes to the bottom and your foot applying pressure to it. the more holes on the bottom that arent needed can weaken the skate. its just like adding alot of holes in a circular form around a box it makes it easier to break rather then a box that has no holes

If done correctly, there will be no problems. I do this all the time when putting on dissimilar holders, or when the holder is mounted out of alignment by the manfr. NEVER have a problem.

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just did a tuuk complete on a pair of easton z-air comps. most of the holes lined up ust abit of plastic was showing on some so just had to make a couple a tad bigger and the rivets still crowned to contact that sole of the skate. adding a couple holes wont make a big difference just adding all new holes all over may do something to the boot overall.

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