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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What wheel durometer setup do you use?

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Okay, so if you've read my threads you'll know I'm having chunking problems suddenly. I've used the same Kuzak (front)/Labeda (back) setup for a while now, but they don't make those exact wheels anymore. I've bought Kuzaks (74a front and back) that have chunked on me, and Factory Halos (76a front only) that have chunked on me. I've noticed the majority of the wear is coming in the 2nd position wheel. I just ordered some 78a Kuzaks to go in that position. I'm thinking that might do it. I'll still get the grip from the 76a wheels in the front, and I'll use 74a in the back since there doesn't appear to be the chunking back there.

Does anyone else have to go through this kind of crap? Part of the issue is that I'm 6'3'' and about 215 lbs. or so. At that size I'm going to be hard on wheels I imagine.

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I'm going to try some Revision's soon but in the past have had success with 78A Hornet's...no sacrifice of grip..and i'd think the 76A's would work well for me as well if I decided to go a bit grippier

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the Kuzak's work for some people..but it really depends on whether or not Hyper products work for you since its there urethane's being poured..I used some prototype Havoc's but the outer layer didn't hold up..similar to the Trinity's I was on..they do need some stronger cores in the lower end to keep the wheels intact..but then again..at that price..1.99-2.99 a wheel..that's what you get..

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good lord!! WHY OH WHYYYYYYYYYYYY do people buy kuzak wheels! :angry:

Actually, that's the interesting thing. I've used the same set up through two sets of wheels. The fronts were Kuzak (76a I think) and the backs were Labeda Extreme (or some such thing) in soft durometer. They lasted FOREVER. While I was using the first set, I lucked into some barely used ones cheap, and grabbed them. Those two sets of wheels have lasted me four seasons. Really, I could go back and use the second set of wheels for a while longer. They have some life in them still. I just wanted new wheels. I'm skating a lot better than I used to and having more of an edge on your wheels really helps.

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two words for you...labeda genesis.

these are the wheels to get. Bar none best wheel i;ve skated on, even better then the rinkrats.

I know they have the mini hubs in them but if you want a wheel thats quality, splurge for some mini bearings and buy the genesis wheels. I was skating in them last weekend and couldn;t believe the grip and acceleration i was getting out of them. been on them about 3 weeks and really no signs of wear.

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Actually I think the new Factory stuff should be interesting, they have retooled a bit...had some issues last year on certain pours for sure..but I like how they did the custom printing for squads at NARCh..if that wheel turns out to be solid..it could move a lot of product on the team side..I will say that while at the Giant, we sold a large amount of Halo's without issue..so its not as if every wheel they made was problematic ..but then again..I have some on the way from HG as well..at $2 per..we'll see how they hold up..

Johnny Mac looked a little perplexed to see his name on a wheel and I think the Cooler Selects should have So So Def printed in lieu of Selects to go with their T Shirts...

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slightly off topic..... but has anyone had problems with the rink rat hornets 'ripping' i looks as if they have like little tears, rips or splits in the wheel. i looks like the main area i skate on has ripped the whole way around my front wheel, and then most of the way on the others.... ill try and get pics of it.

is this normal or is it just a few dodgy wheels? if anyone from rinkrat could help me out here, that would be helpful!

I havent had these very long so its kind of annoying!

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Hey Guys,

Must be a couple of bad wheels, Call the store you purchased them from and they should be able to help you out. If not give me a call and i will see if I can fix your problem. Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully you weren't on a breakaway in a big game!!!!!

Talk to you soon,

Michael Hunt

Rink Rat

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I have the same problem as you..(chunking wheels) EVERY wheel I have used so far I have chunked. I am not a big guy 5-10 185 lbs. Which to some people seems big, but for the leagues I play in typicaly I am the smallest guy out on the rink. For what I lack in size I make up in how I skate, I am an extremely aggressive skater. The effect of hard cutting and skating is frequent chunking of wheels. The list of wheels i have gone through in the past year if you tall up gets prety expensive. I have gone through 2 full sets of labeda dynastys, two full sets of the factory wheels that come on the HE 950's, one full set of milleniums (which I only chunked 1 wheel, but they lost their grip) and NOW I am on my second set of milleniums that I put on my skates a week before I went to NARCh, but they have already lost their grip. I am a little frustrated with how fast I go through wheels so the other day I spoke to a buch of the pro guys that play out of my home rink, they all said I should buy Rink Rat hornets, because they grip forever and they last longer than most of the "high end" wheels, then I went to a hockey store 20 minutes away from my house spoke with the owner and she said the same thing. She prety much explained to me that there are only realy 2 companies products I should even think about buying #2 being revision and #1 being rink rat. She prety much said that revisions and rink rats utilize similar (not exactly the same) technologies in the way they construct the core and pour their urethanes. She said its close, but she sees less wear and more consistent grip in the rink rats. So I took her word for it I bought one set of the Rink Rat Hornets (the 78A) (On a side note I also picked up a used labeda sensor chassis, with boss swiss bearings, and green hornets already mounted for 90 bucks...not too bad a deal). But the moral of the story is that you can buy gimiky wheels (factory), cheap wheels (kuzak) but you get what you put in. The rink rats or revisions may be a little more expensive than the other wheels your looking at, but you will save the headaches of chunking wheels, and potentially money because these wheels will actually last. IDK I will let you know how I realy feel in a month after skating on them for a while.

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Thanks for the congrats on the Torhs Championship..

That makes 5 National Championships in a row all the while going Undefeated

33-0-1 3 time Torhs Champions, 1 Winter National Torhs and 1 Narch summer championship 2003...

We have had a great run over the last 3 years and hopefully it will continue but keep a close eye on The Pama Cyclones, and some of the other younger teams that will be making their way into the pro series. Should be really interesting to see them perform for years to come.

I would also like to congratulate the Tour Mudcats for their 1st Narch summer championship. Watched all their games and they played great. Congrats again boys and welcome to the club!!!!

Talk to you soon guys,


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I play on sports hall floors in the UK and the wheels that came on my pf8s (76a hornets) just cracked up so i got the 78a hornets and they really work. I am only 14 so im not heavy but these wheels work fine.

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I have used Hyper Razors Edge 76A wheels before they hold up well. especialy for the price.

Right now I am using Gripper Lights 75A, and have had no problem, they are 15 games into the season with almost no wear.

I would highly recomend the gripper lights as a good wheel.

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Well, it's a little early to say for sure, but I think I solved the problems. I'm using the Factory Halo (76a) in the very front, a Kuzak All-Terrain (78a) in the second position, and the Kuzak 74a wheels in the back. I played last night and I got a good amount of grip, and no chunking that I could see. Those Factory Halos aren't going to hold up well, though. Even though the ones all the way in the front aren't chunking, they appear to be wearing down ridiculously quickly for a 76a wheel.

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At the minute using the Genesis on the first three wheels and a rink rat hot shot on the back.

I like the rink rats more than the genesis, they feel too soft, although are realyy grippy.

Going to go with 2 x 72mm 76A Hornets on the front and 2 x 78A 80mm on the back

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I play D too. Same as any thing with hockey, it's personal preference I suppose.

I like the softer wheels on the front for digging in and harder ones on the back cos you put more pressure on the back and they are bigger wheels to more contact on the floor.

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I'm running straight 78A Hornet's now..was intrigued by the new 80A's that are out..but am highly considering getting some Boyd Sutton Revisions..just because Boyd is/was and always will be the man!! haha..

seriously i saw quite a few kids on them at NARCh and the RV sponsored PW's knocked off my buddy's squad in the Final...so as Mars Blackman used to say "It's gotta be the wheels!!"..

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haha.. i personally used labedas and labedas came first before any other wheel. I gave revisions a try and loved them, i cant go back to anything else, they wont feel the same or compare to revisions

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