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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM V80 vs V90

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i really want to try a CCM Vector OPS and for this reason i'd like to try a lower model like the V80 or V90.

What are the differences and pros/cons ?

They are in the same price level, but i want to know something about them.


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Is the Vector 90 the silver Canadian Tire SMU? If so, I had one a while ago until the tip of the blade broke. I received it as a gift and thought it was okay. Not horrible at anything, but not great either. This was my first step into the composite world. I now use an Easton Ultra Light shaft with wood blades as I quickly became fond of the lightness.


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i think their okay, the 80 seem too cheap in my opinions, and as for the v90...since it a smu for canadian tire...i wouldn't except something super good( i have a koho shaft smu for canadian tire...and i'M very happy with it...but still....the v90 look pretty heavy!)

I would prefer to go for a v100!!...or a ccm shaft...my favorite one is the v110...but i had friend who tried the v100...and they were really happy with the durabillity!

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They are not exclusive to canadian tire. Well at least they are retailing in Europe and are only available in 2 patterns. Jagr and either P31 or 38 I think. The correct name is "V90 Chameleon" (spelling?) They look pretty similar to the V130 expect they are all black and without the silver elements. I accidentally pulled one out of the rack when shopping for a V130 and noticed right away it´s heavier and I didn´t like the blades and shaft radius at all. They´re pretty cheap though around 80~90 Eur if I remember. The V90 also comes without the grip as opposed to the V80. Still I would rather go for the V110 they are about 30 Eur on top of the V90 and we already heard the good things about their durability.

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They are not exclusive to canadian tire. Well at least they are retailing in Europe and are only available in 2 patterns. Jagr and either P31 or 38 I think. The correct name is "V90 Chameleon" (spelling?) They look pretty similar to the V130 expect they are all black and without the silver elements. I accidentally pulled one out of the rack when shopping for a V130 and noticed right away it´s heavier and I didn´t like the blades and shaft radius at all. They´re pretty cheap though around 80~90 Eur if I remember. The V90 also comes without the grip as opposed to the V80. Still I would rather go for the V110 they are about 30 Eur on top of the V90 and we already heard the good things about their durability.

At Canadian Tire the CCM Vector V90 is all silver and comes in the Recchi and Kaberle patterns.

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I think there's two models of the v90 and v100. I know there's different colors for the different years, but I don't know if they perform different.

Yeah the V90's are silver and blue, the V100 are black. A lot of my friends have them, they said they are a bit heavy but the stick preforms well and it's durable.

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i found the v100 to be extremely bad-- Instead of buying from a store- for 99bucks -plus tax - go on ebay - u can get some great deals on last generation synergys- and v110 - going for around 80u.s

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-- Instead of buying from a store- for 99bucks -plus tax - go on ebay - u can get some great deals on last generation synergys- and v110 - going for around 80u.s

True. But with inflated ebay shipping costs, you'll probably end up paying more in the long run.

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