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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX vs. ResponseXN10

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Sorry to be like the millions of others asking for comparitive threads, but these are the two main sticks I'm considering buying. I'm going to the store tomorrow, and I've never used a TPS stick before, so I don't know what to expect there. On the other hand I used the vapor and liked it.

I'm a speedy forward who uses a lot of snap shots and wrist shots, and my stickhandling is important, so I need a good feel in the stick. I hope that can help.

So does a TPS stick feel any different out on the ice than anything I've felt with a synergy, vapor xx, or a vector 120?

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To me tps sticks have the best feel out there.I have used Vapor xx,synergy,stealth,ccm vector 110 and 120,and more.I keep going back too them it could just be me though.

Also I would look into the Response+,I personally thought it had better feel than the xn10 and my shots seemed to be much harder and accurate with the +

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I have tried most OPS on the market and nothing has as much "kick" on shots as the XN10. Wristers really seem to explode off the XN10 for me. I've tried Vapor XX and it wasn't bad, but not even close in terms of performance for me. The feel is marginal on both of them.

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i personally love the vapor XX. i tihnk the feel on the vapor XX is much better then the Xn10 but i guesss its PP. the XX is cheaper, and it is more durable in my experences. i think the XX puts alittle more kick into slappers but i do agree the XN10 will help your wrist/snappers better then the XX will. i tihnk you should go pick them both up and see which one gives you the best first impession and go with it.

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i love my combo r2xn10 with a synth...you could pick a r2xn10 and a xv blade... you would not go wrong....the great balance-light weight of the xn10....the kick of the xn10 paired with the feel you already like and the curve!

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All of my sticks have been TPS execpt when i had to buy a Vapor because i needed a cheap stick quick but anyways I do not like the vapor. I love my TPS sticks and I don't think I'll change brands anytime soon

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I think the Synergy feels alot like the Responce + but just a little different

What does that have to do with the original post?

I honestly think both feel horrible. SL IMO has the best feel for an OPS.

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I think the Synergy feels alot like the Responce + but just a little different

What does that have to do with the original post?

I mentioned that I used a synergy in my first post, and asked if there was anything different about TPS.

But anyhow, I picked up two XN10's nash regular flex because they didn't have any nasulands period in any bauer stick. I'm glad I didn't have to make a choice, or I may have been in the stick room for hours. :P

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i personally love the vapor XX. i tihnk the feel on the vapor XX is much better then the Xn10 but i guesss its PP. the XX is cheaper, and it is more durable in my experences. i think the XX puts alittle more kick into slappers but i do agree the XN10 will help your wrist/snappers better then the XX will. i tihnk you should go pick them both up and see which one gives you the best first impession and go with it.

I've found that some XX feel very different from others. At one point last fall we got half a dozen PM9 sticks and one wasn't bad, one was horrible and the third was even worse. The XX doesn't sell well around here. Kids either have a XXX or a V, with way more using the V.

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